“Argentina without Cristina!”: thousands protest in different cities against the Fernández government | International

“El Argentinazo” was summoned on social networks to protest the management of Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner.

Thousands of people marched this Saturday in different cities of Argentina to protest once morest the government of Alberto Fernandez.

The call began around 4:00 p.m. local time (5:00 p.m. in Chile), with the motto “Let’s defend the Republic”in the Obelisk of Buenos Aires, historical monument of the city.

“Argentina without Cristina” was one of the slogans sung by the demonstrators, alluding to the vice president Cristina Kirchnerleader of a center-left sector of the government of Peronist President Alberto Fernández.

The vice president, head of the Senate and former president twice between 2007 and 2015, maintains a struggle with Fernández, who is supported by center-right sectors of Peronism and provincial governors.

The local newspaper Clarín said that thousands of demonstrators gathered to carry out “the Argentinazo”, a protest called once morest the Government and with replicas in other cities.

“This is a banner that was organized through social networks by different users who called to claim once morest Alberto Fernández’s management,” added the newspaper.

“We are tired. Why? Because there is hunger and there is no way to feed the family. People are tired, today we might be enjoying ourselves, but we are here to try to express ourselves”said one of the neighbors who appeared at the Obelisk, according to the Argentine television channel TN.

Subsequently, a group of protesters went to the Casa Rosada, seat of the country’s Executive Power, where tension between those attending the march and the Police has escalated.

The protest, in turn, spread to different cities such as Mar del Plata, Rosario, La Plata, Mendoza and Santa Fe.

Resignation of the Minister of Economy

The Argentines, summoned through social networks, chose July 9 – Independence Day – to denounce the political situation.

In recent months, there have been several disagreements between the president, Alberto Fernández, and the vice president, Cristina Fernández Kirchner.

These disagreements led to the resignation of Economy Minister Martín Guzmán, last Saturday, due to the weakened economy of the country, with inflation of 60%, and pressure from the vice president.

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