“There were very absurd things”: Catalina Guerra recalled the censorship and homophobia that existed before on Channel 13

The actress Catalina Guerra recalled her time on Channel 13, assuring that, during the time when the channel still belonged to the Pontifical Catholic University, there was homophobia.

Guerra gave details of the censorship of yesteryear that formerly lived in the television house during a conversation with the podcast drama kings. The actress had leading roles in some well-remembered television series on the channel, such as them for them o easy to love.

Catalina then asked her what it was like to work on the Catholic channel back then. “There were things that were very ridiculous, very absurd,” explained the actress.

“There was a TV series in which one of the protagonists had a lover. But you mightn’t say that she was a lover. The story was regarding her being a lover, but ‘she’s a lover’ was never said. The word ‘lover’ might not be said”, assured Guerra.

“It was very ridiculous”

He also recalled that there were scenes that might not be recorded freely, such as scenes that had to be of two people following having sex but might not be done in a hotel, so they were recorded in a cafe.

“It was very ridiculous and it was very difficult. You mightn’t laugh at anything, you mightn’t talk regarding anything, you mightn’t talk regarding politics, you mightn’t talk regarding blacks and whites, regarding the Chinese, nothing,” he continued.

Along the same lines, he added that “then we had to look for a humor that was white, but that differentiated itself from the Jappening con Ja”.

Later, Guerra also revealed that the channel’s bans not only affected the teleseries, but also the personal lives of its protagonists. “Many things were censored, private life was censored,” he said.

“I had colleagues who were homosexual and who had not come out of the closet, and they called them from the office, and told them to watch their steps. Don’t let them get in there, ”War denounced.

Finally, the actress assured that “she knew what you were doing.”

“It was complicated,” concluded Catalina Guerra.



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