Man overdoses on vitamin D after ingesting 400 times recommended daily dose

Present in many food like certain fish, produced during the interaction of the rays of the soleil with our skin, vitamin D is good for the body. But like all good things, it is essential to consume it in moderation. A fifty year old British unfortunately paid the price for his overconsumption after ingesting 400 times the recommended daily dose, reports ScienceAlert.

The story of this man made headlines in the press across the Channel after doctors from the National Health Service (NHS) have issued a warning about the dangers of vitamin D overdose. While some scientists were interested in the protective effect of the vitamin against Covid-19 in period of pandemichealth professionals have observed at the same time an increase in cases ofintoxication related to dietary supplementalso known as hypervitaminosis D.

“Globally, there is a growing trend of hypervitaminosis D, a clinical condition characterized by elevated levels of vitamin D3”can we read in this new case study published in the scientific journal BMJ Journals on July 6, 2022. “Given the slow turnover during which vitamin D toxicity develops, symptoms can last for several weeks.”

A long list of symptoms

The fifty-something had thus gone to his doctor, complaining of “recurrent vomiting, nausea, leg cramps, tinnitus, abdominal pain, dry mouth, increased thirst, and diarrhea”. Ses symptoms had been going on for almost three months, during which he had lost about 13 kilograms. His condition then prompted the doctor to request a hospitalisation a.s.a.p.

Blood tests revealed that the patient had particularly high levels of calcium and magnesium. His vitamin D level was also seven times higher than normal, and his kidneys were not working properly. “given the high concentrations of minerals and vitamins he was taking.” The Brit explained to his doctor that he was seeking further treatment after suffering from several health.

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If the level of vitamin D in his blood remained high two months after his release from thehospital, the man is now in a much better state. The scientists behind the study, however, call for vigilance and explain to the population how to recognize the symptoms of possible vitamin D poisoning, namely “feeling drowsy, vomiting, constipation, peptic ulcers, high blood pressure, heart rhythm abnormalities, inflammatory eye disease, joint stiffness and kidney problems.”

“This case report once again highlights the toxicity potential of supplements, which are widely considered safe until taken in unsafe amounts or combinations”conclude the authors.

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