Thank you for your reading. Read the news: “The Summer Triangle” .. a distinctive astronomical phenomenon that decorates the sky following dusk…
Basrawi News Encyclopedia – I wrote: Nermin Salem Astronomy lovers witness, in the hottest season of the year, one of the most wonderful performances that can be seen in the night sky, known as the famous Summer Triangle, which is known as a formation consisting of three very bright stars that are Brightest summer in the sky of the northern hemisphere.
According to RT, this formation, which can be observed following dusk, includes the bright stars: Deneb, Vega and Altair, all of which rise above the eastern horizon from the sky.
The “summer triangle” is an annual feature of the northern summer sky and remains visible through the end of December, according to geophysicist Chris Vaughan, a hobbyist astronomer on SkySafari, who oversees’s Night Sky calendar.
The stars become especially bright during July and August when they shine directly around midnight, according to Science Focus.
And if the skies are clear and dark enough, you’ll be able to spot the Milky Way between the eagle, the flying eagle, and the hen’s tail, while the “Summer Triangle” travels across the night sky, only to find itself high in the western sky at dawn.
The highest and brightest star in the trio is Vega, shining in the constellation Lyre with a magnitude of 0.03. The eagle is located only 25 light-years from the sun and is relatively easy to see because it is the brightest star in the summer sky. (On the scale of fate used by astronomers, lower numbers indicate brighter objects, for example, at its brightest, Venus shines with a strength of regarding -4.6.)
And located in the lower right (south) corner of the triangle, is the Flying Eagle, a star whose absolute magnitude (the measurement of the luminosity of any astronomical body in the logarithmic scale) reached 0.75 in the constellation of Punishment. The star is located only 17 light years from the sun.
“In contrast, the chicken’s tail, which appears somewhat less bright, has an apparent magnitude of 1.25, which is astonishing at a distance of 2,600 light-years from us,” Vaughan wrote. The star Cygnus is located in the constellation Cygnus.
Thank you for your reading. Read the news: “The Summer Triangle”…a distinctive astronomical phenomenon that adorns the sky following dusk… The news is over.