so it can be consumed to reduce high cholesterol

Some dietary adjustments, when combined with exercise and other heart-healthy habits, might help people lower cholesterol.

The portal Mayo Clinic, non-profit entity dedicated to clinical practice, education and research, highlighted that a good option is oats, which contain soluble fiber that reduces low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, “bad” cholesterol.

Soluble fiber is also found in foods like beans, Brussels sprouts, apples, and pears and can reduce the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream. 5 to 10 grams or more of soluble fiber per day lowers LDL cholesterol.

A serving of breakfast cereal with oatmeal or oat bran contains 3 to 4 grams of fiber. If you add fruit like bananas or berries, you’ll get even more fiber.

Habits that help regulate it naturally

The Spanish Heart Foundation explains that the sun’s rays transform cholesterol into vitamin D to protect the skin from chemical agents and prevent dehydration, and also argues that it is from this fat that some hormones are formed.

However, high cholesterol levels increase the risk of heart disease, as this substance can adhere to the walls of the arteries, preventing the normal flow of blood.

To keep the levels of this substance regulated, the diet is decisive, as well as the practice of exercise.

Additionally, you should work on habits that improve your lifestyle, such as quitting smoking, losing weight and reducing alcohol consumption, indicates the Mayo Clinic clinical research institute.

Increased physical activity

Physical activity can help regulate cholesterol levels. Exercise contributes to the increase in high-density lipoproteins (HDL cholesterol), known as the “good” cholesterol. Ideally, get at least 30 minutes of exercise five times a week or vigorous aerobic activity for 20 minutes three times a week.

Give up smoking

Mayo Clinic experts indicate that avoiding cigarettes has almost immediate effects. Within 20 minutes of quitting, blood pressure and heart rate recover from the cigarette-induced peak.

Likewise, following three months blood circulation and lung function begin to improve and one year following not smoking, the risk of heart disease is half that of a smoker.

Consume omega-3 acids

These acids are a type of healthy lipids that help clean the bad cholesterol (LDL) from the arteries, increasing the levels of the so-called good cholesterol (HDL). These are not produced naturally in the body, but can be absorbed through the consumption of various foods that contain them, according to information from the Better Health portal.

Some foods that offer omega-3 fatty acids are cold-water fish; flax, chia and sesame seeds; nuts, wheat germ, shellfish, broccoli and cabbage.

Lose weight

Having a few extra kilos, even if they are few, contributes to raising cholesterol levels. For this reason, changes in eating habits are key.. It is important to limit the consumption of sugary drinks, for example, as well as saturated fats and increase the intake of fruits and vegetables, which not only provide vitamins and minerals, but also contain fiber and other nutrients that are beneficial to health. In parallel, it is essential to exercise.

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