Tasks of Social and Community Medicine in San Javier – ADN

(DNA). – A health team from the San Javier Primary Health Care Center yesterday toured farms in the surrounding rural area in that town, including residents of O’Connors and Zanjón de Oyuela.

“This tour, which we call ‘ratrillaje’, is done within the framework of planning rural outings, which aim to reinforce primary health care actions in the area covered by the Viedma Program Area,” said Laura Guttmann, head of the Department of Programmed Activities for the Area.

Medical personnel and health agents participated who, among other health activities, brought the vaccines that the national calendar provides to the neighbors.

Outings to rural areas are planned every fortnight. Their raking includes prevention activities and there are also moments of recruitment of users of the Health System, who, following establishing a first contact, continue with care at the health center in the area.





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