Anemia and stomach disorders, early signs of Crohn’s disease

Symptoms can vary depending on the location and severity of the inflammation.

Dr. Oswaldo de Varona, fellow of the gastroenterology program at the University of Puerto Rico. Photo: Journal of Medicine and Public Health. Fabiola Plaza.

The Dr. Oswaldo de Varonaassigned to the gastroenterology program of the University of Puerto Ricoindicated to the Journal of Medicine y Public healththat the clinical criteria for diagnosing illness of crohn are made in various ways.

In the first place, the specialist indicated that within the signs or symptom that would reveal this diagnosis, “a very important thing is to check if the patient has anemia, as well as stomach discomfort, even without diarrhea”.

On the other hand, the Dr. A.S. From Veronaemphasized that intestinal endoscopies are the most accurate method for diagnosing Crohn’s disease and exclude other possible diseases, such as ulcerous colitisdiverticular disease or cancer.

Another relevant aspect of this diagnostic process is that Crohn’s disease can present in different digestive tract areas. “The Crohns it can appear in different areas, in patchy forms. This is called skipped injuries. It is important to emphasize Crohn’s lesions and advances, that is, having access or fistulas in the anal area“.

However, I clarify that during the diagnostic process it must be taken into account that this condition has symptoms that can be confused with Ulcerative Colitis, and therefore complete studies must be carried out.

“The complexity of crohns is that it is the great gastrointestinal disease mimic“In this case, the doctor emphasizes that it is essential for the patient to be able to speak with their primary care physician and to be able to take timely action.

Causes of crohn’s disease

It is worth noting that the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Diseases y renal, indicates that doctors are not sure what causes Crohn’s disease. Experts think that the following factors may play a role in Crohn’s disease.

autoimmune reaction

One cause of Crohn’s disease may be an autoimmune reaction, when your immune system attacks healthy cells in the body. Experts believe that bacteria in the digestive tract can mistakenly trigger a immune system reaction. Is immune system response causes inflammation, which leads to the symptoms of Crohn’s disease.


The Crohn’s disease sometimes it can be hereditary. Research has shown that if one of your parents or siblings has Crohn’s disease, you may be more likely to develop the disease. Experts continue to study the link between genes and Crohn’s disease.

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