Michael Jackson at the heart of a controversy: these three songs removed from the platforms…

Thirteen years following the death of Michael Jackson, the controversy surrounding the authorship of several of his titles is not empty. To avoid any litigation, Sony and the rights holders of the King of Pop preferred to remove the three songs in question from the streaming platforms.

On June 25, 2009, Michael Jackson passed away at the age of 50. Thirteen years following his death, the King of Pop left behind a monumental musical legacy. Among this heritage, three songs released a year and a half following the singer’s cardiac arrest, have not ceased to be sifted through the detector of authenticity. So many fans assured not to recognize the voice of Paris’s father, Prince and Blanket on the recordings of Breaking News, Monster et Keep Your Head Up.

To avoid any problem, Sony, the record company behind Michael Jackson’s productions, as well as the singer’s heirs preferred to remove the problematic titles from Spotify, Deezer and others Apple Music. According to Sony, the removal of the songs from the platforms constituted “the easiest and best way to leave the debates around this song behind us, for good”, specifying all the same that the decision is unrelated to the authenticity of the titles.

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A very secret posthumous compilation

The three titles at the heart of the storm are part of Michael, a compilation of seven tracks on which the father of the family would have worked before his death. However, many fans of Janet Jackson’s brother are not convinced by the authenticity of the songs in question. For them, it would be the voice of the American singer Jason Malachi that we would hear and not that of the King of Pop. Michael Jackson’s mother, Katherine, had also expressed her doubts regarding the legitimacy of the recordings. If the three titles are now absent from the platforms, the mystery around the identity of the singer remains whole.

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias.

Photo credits: AGENCY / BESTIMAGE



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