Is Snapchat+ worth it?

Changing the application logo, pinning your best friend… Here are the possible options with the paid Snapchat + service. But is it really worth it?

According to Snapchat, these options allow you to greatly improve your experience on the application. With three formulas, ranging from a subscription of 1 month (€4.49/month), 6 months (€24.99 in total), or 12 months (€45.99 in total), you will have access above all the world to exclusive and experimental features. Would it be possible then, just waiting a bit, to get these same options, but for free? Geek Junior will introduce you to the 6 features available at the moment (others will arrive over time).

What are these exclusive Snapchat+ features?

See who has watched your story multiple times

You can see with the two-eyes emoji “????” who has seen your story several times. If you see “3 ????”, it means that 3 people have reviewed your story. Unfortunately you cannot know how many times they have reviewed it.

Snapchat + Review story

Pin your best friend

Just like you can pin a group or individual in the free version of the app, here you can pin your “best friend”. This one will then have a heart next to his first name instead of a simple pin.

Have a Snapchat+ badge

To show all your friends that you have this paid subscription, you can place a small black star that will appear next to your username. This option is deactivated by default, you will have to go to your settings to add it.

Change app icon

Yes it’s as simple as that, Snapchat gives you the possibility to change the logo of your application. For now, this feature is not available on Android.

Snapchat + change logoSnapchat + change logoSee Ghost Trails on the SnapMap

You will see by which paths your friends have traveled over the last 24 hours. Be careful, you can only see the movements of your friends who have Snapchat +, and who share their location with you.

Snapchat + SnapMap SiteSnapchat + SnapMap SiteAccessing friends’ solar systems

On the profile of your friends and best friends, you can see through a solar system, your position in their friend lists. If your friend has the Sun and you have the Earth, that means you are third in her list.

Snapchat + solar systemSnapchat + solar system

We can, following this enumeration, wonder if paying to have access to these functionalities is not a little abusive? Apart from the one that allows you to see who has watched our story several times (which is also limited), the others seem really superfluous to be paid for. What do you think ?



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