household morale continues its downward trend in the 2nd quarter of 2022

The household confidence index (ICM), whose components relate to the perception by households of the evolution of the standard of living, unemployment, the opportunity to make purchases of durable goods and their financial situation, thus stood at 50.1 points, instead of 53.7 points a quarter earlier and 63 points in the same quarter of 2021, indicates the HCP which has just published an information note on the results of this survey.

According to the HCP, 79.2% of households declare a deterioration in the standard of living over the past 12 months, 14.6% maintaining the same level and 6.2% an improvement. The balance of opinion on the past evolution of the standard of living remained negative, at minus 73 points, once morest minus 66.8 points in the previous quarter and minus 50.8 points in the same quarter of 2021.

With regard to the evolution of the standard of living over the next 12 months, 46.8% of households expect a deterioration, 40.7% a maintenance at the same level and 12.5% ​​an improvement. The balance of opinion on this indicator stood at minus 34.3 points, thus recording a deterioration both compared to the previous quarter and compared to the same quarter of the previous year when it was minus 21.4 points. and 0.2 points respectively.

The survey also reports that in Q2-2022, 86% versus 4.9% of households expect unemployment to rise over the next 12 months. The balance of opinion thus remained negative at minus 81.1 points, once morest minus 82.8 points a quarter earlier and minus 69.8 points a year earlier.

For the purchase of durable goods, the survey indicates that 78.9% once morest 9.8% of households consider that the time is not right to make purchases, adding that the balance of opinion of this indicator remained negative with minus 69.1 registering a deterioration both compared to the previous quarter and compared to the same quarter of the previous year when it stood at minus 66.7 points and minus 65.6 points respectively.

The note also indicates that 52% of households believe that their income covers their expenses, and 45.4% say they are in debt or dip into their savings and 2.6% say they save part of their income. The balance of opinion on the current financial situation of households thus remained negative, at minus 42.8 points once morest minus 43.4 points in Q1-2022 and minus 38.0 points in Q2-2022.

As for the evolution of their financial situation over the last 12 months, 54.3% once morest 5.6% of households consider that it has deteriorated. This perception thus remains negative, with a balance of opinion of minus 48.7 points once morest minus 50.9 points in the previous quarter and minus 50 points in the same quarter of the previous year.

Regarding the evolution of their financial situation over the next 12 months, 19.1% of households expect their financial situation to improve, 61.7% to maintain it at the same level and 19.2% to degradation. The balance of opinion for this indicator thus stood at minus 0.1 point once morest 8.3 points a quarter earlier and 14.8 points a year earlier.



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