INE will investigate Alejandro Moreno, national leader of the PRI

The National Electoral Institute (INE) informed this Wednesday that it is advancing a research regarding a series of audios that involve the leader of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (AT), Alejandro Moreno Cardenas.

In the last weeksthe current governor of the state of Campeche, Layda Sansoresof the party National Regeneration Movement (Morena), disclosed several audios in which he allegedly Moreno Cardenas He talks regarding bribes to businessmen and politicians, which led to a search of his properties in that state on Tuesday.

In response, the leader of the AT He undertook an international tour this Wednesday to denounce what he has called the “persecution” of the Government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador before the United Nations, the Organization of American States (OAS) and the European Union (EU).

This Wednesday, in a communiqué the electoral entity indicated through the Technical Inspection Unit (UTF) carries out “inquiries in relation to various audios in which the President of the National Executive Committee of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), due to possible illicit conduct in matters of inspectionrelated to alleged contributions to electoral campaigns”.

He pointed out that the complaints were filed by the political party Morena and Sansores.

“Because of this, the Institute and the Audit Commission, through its technical area, the UTF, have carried out more than 30 procedures and will continue to carry out the investigations leading to the clarification of the facts,” he said.

In addition, he said that he has requested information from the defendant himself, from various political actors and the media, as well as from the Special Prosecutor for Electoral Crimes and the Financial Intelligence Unit.

However, he said INE“as it is an ongoing investigation, which is part of an administrative sanctioning procedure, its partial or total dissemination is temporarily reserved.”

Before them, he said that the INE will maintain the confidentiality and confidentiality of the inquiries, the results of which will be disclosed in a timely manner, once completed.

The electoral authority recalled that the Control Regulation, in its article 17, determines that it is the Control Unit that carries out the investigation of the reported facts.

He also pointed out that the complaints filed in the case of the audio recordings attributed to the national leader of the ATgive rise to an exhaustive investigation process, in charge of which is the Inspection Technical Unit of the INE.

He specified that, by their nature, “these are procedures that take time and involve various instances, entities, public agencies, political actors and citizens, at the end of which it will be determined if there are elements that constitute an infraction.”

With information from EFE



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