No one believes me.. Brad Pitt reveals his suffering with the rare case of “facial blindness”

World star Brad Pitt revealed the details of his struggle with a rare case of “face blindness” – admitting that “no one believes him” when he talks regarding it, according to the British newspaper, “Daily Mail”.

The 58-year-old actor is believed to suffer from prosopagnosia, an inability to recognize faces that usually affects a person for most or all of their lives.

Many people with this condition are not even able to recognize family members, partners or friends and adapt using alternative ways of recognizing people, such as remembering the way they walk, their hair, their voice or their clothes.

While Brad has not been officially diagnosed with the condition, he has long believed he was suffering and admitted he was concerned that it had led people to think he was distant or withdrawn around people.

He said, “Nobody believes me! I want to meet someone else who has face blindness.”

Brad previously spoke of his battle with the condition in 2013, saying, “A lot of people hate me because they think I don’t respect them. Every now and then, someone will give me context, and I’ll say, thank you for helping me, but I’m losing more people.”



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