With a new dean, in Medicine at the UBA they plan to review and update training to make it more “synthetic and pragmatic”

Luis Ignacio Brusco and Claudia Negri will assume in August as dean and vice-dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the UBA – Credits: @Fabián Marelli

The Faculty of Medicine of the Buenos Aires’ University (UBA) not only changed its name –now it is Medical Sciences– to adapt to an increasingly broad academic offer, but also authorities. the schedule of This work foresees a review and update of medical training with the incorporation of new technologies to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. With this replacement, it is the first time that a woman will occupy the position of vice-dean in that faculty.

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In the office on the first floor of the building facing Plaza Houssay, Luis Ignatius Brusco y Claudia Negri they received THE NATION. The new authorities have in review folder how to make education “more synthetic and pragmatic”, according to the changes that are being implemented in the main schools of health sciences in other countries. Both will formally inaugurate the new positions as of August 1, the same day as the outgoing Dean of Medicine, Ricardo Gelpiwill assume as rector of the UBA instead of Alberto Barbieri.

Brusco is a doctor of medicine and philosophy, a specialist in neurology, psychiatry and forensic medicine. In addition to directing the Mental Health Department of the Hospital of Clinicsis an independent professor and researcher of the Conicet.

Negri is a medical doctor specializing in public health and obstetrics. She is a member of the faculty’s Human Ethics Committee and directs the degree in Obstetrics and the specialties in Reproductive Health and Breastfeeding. adviser my honor the Maternity and Childhood Program of the Ministry of Health of the Nation.

School of MedicineSchool of Medicine

UBA Medicine was renamed the Faculty of Medical Sciences – Credits: @Miguel Acevedo Riu

After two years of virtuality due to the appearance of the Covid-19, explain that the faculty is returning to face-to-face classes in those attended with practices, with the dictation of more theoretical contents at a distance. “We are aware of these two years of pandemic and we are aware that a lot of imprint will have to be put on the internships, especially towards the end of the degree, in addition to the residencies and postgraduate degrees,” says Brusco.

He considers it “fundamental” to centralize undergraduate training in primary care and that the faculty “go out on the street”. The Annual Rotating Internship (IAR), the internship period for students regarding to graduate, is scheduled to have more presence in primary care centers. That would be a first internal change, without the need for a more complex modification of the study plan that requires consensus in the Board of Directors, which includes representatives of the faculty, graduates, students and non-teachers, and the approval of the Superior Council of the college.

Ignacio Brusco, new Dean of Medicine at the UBAIgnacio Brusco, new Dean of Medicine at the UBA

Dean Ignacio Brusco, during the interview with LA NACIÓN – Credits: @Fabian Marelli

We plan to review, first, the study plan, supervise the content and put new content on the agenda”, says Negro. There are technologies that began to be used in the pandemic, as he continues, and that must be incorporated into teaching.

As Brusco adds, “The central idea would be to achieve a synthesis in basic training to leave a great capacity for training in postgraduate courses.”.


The Common Basic Cycle (CBC) is, for both, a “very important” leveler of the difficulties with which students arrive from high school to university. “The UBA as a public and free university requires this instance and it helps us a lot so that they enter the faculty with a very important leveling. We are always thinking regarding how the race is not eternal”, asks Brusco.

The faculty has regarding 100,000 students and 12 careerswith an enrollment in the different areas of health sciences that is expanding more and more in a context with a greater demand for residences than the number of places available in the competitions, resignations of specialists due to the wear suffered during the pandemic and the need for resources critics. Nursing, intensive care, mental health, nutrition, kinesiology or anesthesiology are some of the disciplines to be reinforced.

“We are not ignorant of the issue and we know that the UBA can be influential in this matter, with respect, in a federal country, to the human resources policy adopted by each province –answers the new dean–. But we do notice that there is a problem in the distribution of doctors in Argentina, that residencies in particular and, also, doctors are lacking. That is why it is very important for us to create specialist careers.”

Regarding the distribution in the territory, he adds: “When we go to the meetings in the ministries or with officials, we transmit our concern.”

-The construction of a new building for the Hospital de Clínicas and its transfer had been announced, which did not materialize. What will happen to the university hospital?

The Clinics have an educational and care role, like the Lanari and the Roffo, and have recovered a lot of functionality with the current management [de Marcelo Melo], with a very good level of human resources and benefits. It does not integrate the health system from the budgetary point of view, but from the operational point of view, but its function is teaching, so our obligation is to impart the care model to follow in order to imitate in [la atención del] rest of the community. That what is shown there, be replicated: for example, not attending a patient for five minutes. For now, the Clinics will continue where she is. The project is a decision of the Rectorate of the UBA, it does not depend on the dean.



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