The Court of Accounts sent to the Legislature the report of the General Account for the Year 2020

The Court of Accounts sent to the Legislature the report of the General Account for the Year 2020

Paraná, July 5 (APFDigital)

– The Court of Accounts of the Province carried out the study and analysis of the General Account of the Budgetary Year of the Public Administration corresponding to the year 2020 • It is a Balance made by the Provincial State, including the movement of the three Powers of the State , Decentralized Organizations and Autarkic Entities

The Provincial Constitution, in its article 213, establishes that the Executive Branch must submit to the Court of Accounts of the Province, the report on budget execution and the results of financial management so that the TCER analyzes, controls and reports on it.

Likewise, the Organic Law of the Court of Accounts (Law 5,796), in its article 40 subsection 4, establishes as competence of the body the decision on the General Account for the Year, sending a report to the Legislative Power, with the observations that it deserves.

The General Account of the Budgetary Exercise of the Public Administration is the document through which the Provincial Executive Power reports to the legislature “…of the use and exercise of the previous budget”, according to article 175 inc. 9 of the Provincial Constitution; Its preparation is the responsibility of the General Accounting Office, the governing body of the accounting of the government administration, in accordance with the provisions of the Provincial Constitution in its article 210.

It is a Balance made by the Provincial State, including the movement of the three Powers of the State, Decentralized Organizations and Autarchic Entities. It should be noted that the movement of Commercial Companies, such as Enersa, Iapser and Sidecreer SA, is excluded.

The content of the CGE is regulated in the Accounting Law, from which it follows that before April 30 of each year, a general account for the year will be formulated. Which must be sent, by the Minister of Economy, to the Court of Auditors before June 30.

Once the General Account for the Year has been received, the Court of Accounts of the Province proceeds to its analysis and, subsequently, sends the respective report to the Legislature, which was ordered by Resolution No. 543/2022.

On its website, the control body makes available to all citizens the detailed information of the latest Audit Reports of the General Account for the Year sent to the Legislature. (APFDigital)

Publication Date: 07/05/2022 09:36



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