40-year-old Zhu Lijing died after fighting cancer for two years! Doctor sighs that breast cancer is easy to metastasize at this age, and doctors teach two strategies for early detection | Health 2.0

Singer Zhu Lijing, who made her debut on the talent show Super Idol 3, was shocked to hear that 7/3 of them died of breast cancer. At the press conference of the new film in January last year, Zhu Lijing revealed that she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020 and received chemotherapy and targeted therapy at her own expense. Although he worked hard to fight cancer, unfortunately he still passed away. The age of free breast cancer screening in Taiwan is 45 years old. Doctors call for women with a family history of breast cancer to be screened 10 years earlier. Young women are advised to check themselves regularly every month.

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Zhu said: “I felt tired no matter how much I rested” before the onset of the disease, with chest pain and low back pain

When Zhu Lijing revealed her breast cancer condition last year, she said that at that time, she felt “tired no matter how much she rests”, and besides chest pain, she also had lower back pain. She felt pain all over her body, and the examination turned out to be breast cancer. Zeng Lingmin, chairman of the Taiwan Breast Medicine Association and director of the Department of Surgery of the Taipei Veterans General Hospital, said that he was not Zhu’s attending physician and might not be sure of her condition, but listening to this statement, it was suspected that there was bone metastasis or distant metastasis at the time of diagnosis. body pain symptoms.

Zeng Lingmin said that early breast cancer usually has no symptoms, which is why the Medical Association and the National Health Administration have been promoting “breast cancer screening”. The five-year survival rate of early treatment is more than 90%. With the advancement of breast cancer chemotherapy and targeted drugs in recent years, even if it is discovered in stage 2 or 3, the prognosis is good.

Breast cancer before this age grows rapidly and recurs rapidly

Zeng Lingmin said that Zhu Lijing was 40 years old this year, and she was 38 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Taiwan’s breast cancer is divided at the age of 40, and young breast cancer under the age of 39. Breast cancer in patients at this stage is growing rapidly, and it is often just discovered, and it has grown very large. Issues 2 and 3. Taking stage 3 breast cancer as an example, the 5-year disease-free survival rate of breast cancer over the age of 40 is over 70%, but only 43% under the age of 40.

Fortunately, targeted therapy has been effective in recent years. In the past, young breast cancer, which was considered to be very difficult, has the problems of easy metastasis, high recurrence and rapid tumor growth, Zeng Lingmin said, but in recent years, with the development of anti-HER2 targeted drugs, the reduction has been greatly reduced. recurrence rate and prolongation of life. The treatment of triple-negative breast cancer, which is more difficult to treat, includes anti-angiogenic drugs, PARP-1 inhibitors and anti-EGFR agents, and the treatment has also made great progress.

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About 7% of breast cancers in China are diagnosed at an advanced stage

But the point is to find out early. He said that according to statistics, regarding 7% of the patients were diagnosed with advanced breast cancer with distant metastasis, which also reduced the treatment effect and survival time.

Zeng Lingmin said that Taiwan’s breast cancer policy is free screening for people over the age of 45, and those with family history will be brought up to age 40 in advance. But his youngest breast cancer case was 19, with no family history at all. He reminded that 9% of breast cancer patients in Taiwan are under the age of 35, which is three times the rate in Western countries, and the number of breast cancer cases under the age of 40 is twice that in Western countries.

If there is a family history of breast cancer, screening is recommended 10 years in advance

Although there is no free screening, Zeng Lingmin suggested that those with a family history should have breast screening 10 years earlier. If there is a family history of young breast cancer, the screening age should be earlier.

Many people may say, “Since 9% are under the age of 35, why is the screening test not earlier than the age of 35?” Zeng Lingmin said that because women in this age group have dense breasts, it is difficult to diagnose with X-ray screening, and ultrasound examination is used. There are also many parts that are easy to miss. At present, no country in the world can prove that young breast cancer can be screened by X-ray or ultrasound to improve the survival rate. And over-examination, too early exposure to radiation examination, but also the risk of cancer.

2 tricks for early detection of young women: monthly self-touching and mirror observation of breasts

Artist Zhu Xinyi once shared that she found breast cancer because she looked in the mirror and found symptoms such as unilateral breast enlargement and acne. Zeng Lingmin suggested that women who have not yet reached the age of free screening often do two tricks to find out early: 1. Self-examination every month following menstruation, 2. Check your breasts often in the mirror. Skin abnormalities, etc., if you find anything different from the past, seek medical attention as soon as possible!

See more:A must see for women! A 40-year-old woman found a 2.9-centimeter mass and underwent ultrasound to accurately remove breast tumors and keep her breasts beautiful

◎ Picture source /Zhu Lijing Facebook
◎ Consultant / Physician Zeng Lingmin

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