Protecting the heart and brain – healing practice

Heat: protect heart and brain

The actual summer heat troubles many people. Elevated temperatures not only cause symptoms such as tiredness and headaches, they also put a strain on our cardiovascular system and increase it Risk for diseases like Heart attack or stroke. Experts explain how Herz and Brain can be protected.

Many people are aware of the health hazards involved heat can entail, unaware. In a recent post on the portal “‘ of the American Heart Association, experts explain why caution is needed right now.

stress test for the heart

Hot weather is like a stress test for your heart, explains Dr. Lance Becker, chairman of emergency medicine at Northwell Health, a healthcare provider in New York. And some people react very intensely to such stress.

“You might have a heart attack. Your congestive heart failure symptoms might get much worse. Or they might have an arrhythmia”the medical term for an irregular heartbeat.

The risks to the heart and brain can indeed be serious: a Message (CDC; PDF) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2020 cites research showing that hospitalizations for cardiovascular problems spiked in the days following high temperatures.

And a 2017 review of research in the journalStrokeThe American Heart Association concludes that hot temperatures appear to increase the immediate risk of clot-induced ischemic stroke, the most common type of stroke.

Those at higher risk of heat-related problems

Die thermoregulation in humans is usually one “pretty good mechanism”, said Becker. But excessive heat can overwhelm him. And then it might “very, very dangerous” will.

dr Rachel M. Bond, director of women’s heart health at Dignity Health in Arizona, says all people with a history of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, or obesity have one higher risk of heat-related problems are exposed.

And the CDC warns that people with diabetes Damage to blood vessels and nerves that can affect their ability to cool down.

The post lists some information to help stay as safe as possible in the heat:

Knowing the symptoms of heat exhaustion: Signs of heat exhaustion include headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, and cool, clammy skin. It can be treated by removing yourself from the heat or using a damp cloth to cool. If symptoms don’t improve within an hour, see a doctor.

Heat stroke is more serious: Symptoms of heat stroke include a rapid heart rate, body temperature above 40 degrees, and red, hot, dry skin. As Bond explains, this is a medical emergency that requires calling 911.

Drink plenty of water: Hydration helps the heart pump more easily and helps muscles work more efficiently, Bond explains. The exact amount of liquid you need may vary. Bond typically encourages her patients to drink at least two liters a day.

Do not consume alcohol: Avoid alcohol, Bond recommends. He can dry you out.

Stay cool: For those who don’t have air conditioning, Becker recommends getting a fan and a spray bottle or damp cloth.

“The combination of sitting right in front of a fan and then either spraying a little water on your body or taking a cold washcloth and putting water on your body will help cool you down”according to the expert. “That’s actually one of the things we do with people in the ER.”

Medication intake: Due to the additional strain on their system, cardiac patients must be conscientious regarding adhering to their medication prescriptions.

Some situations may require the help of a doctor. People with high blood pressure or heart failure can use diuretics to rid the body of excess fluid. But they may also need to increase their fluid intake to deal with the heat.

It’s a confusing situation, says Becker. “For that reason, we generally recommend these people to simply avoid heat stress because it’s very difficult to manage properly.”

Pay attention to the diet: Watermelons or cucumbers are ideal because they’re full of water. Heavy meals should be avoided so as not to tax the body too much.

Watch your watch – and your clothes: Bond and other medical professionals routinely remind people not to go outside in the early followingnoon and encourage them to wear loose, light, light-colored clothing.

Exercise, but don’t overdo it: Even in the heat, exercise is important for long-term health. But if you can, take your workout indoors — or take up swimming. And don’t overdo it with the sport.

take care of each other: “This really is the time for community spirit”, Becker says. Social isolation is a major cause of many of the heat deaths he sees.

He advises contacting neighbors, friends and relatives who are at risk. Say: “It’s going to be very hot. Can I help you?” Invite them to spend time in an air-conditioned room. This behavior can help save lives. (ad)

Author and source information

This text corresponds to the specifications of medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.


  • American Heart Association: 9 ways to protect your heart and brain from the summer heat, (Abruf: 03.07.2022),
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Heat Exposure and Cardiovascular Health: A Summary for Health Departments; (PDF), (veröffentlicht: Juli 2020), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Pablo M. Lavados, Verónica V. Olavarría & Lorena Hoffmeister: Ambient Temperature and Stroke Risk: Evidence Supporting a Short-Term Effect at a Population Level From Acute Environmental Exposures; in: Stroke, (veröffentlicht: 11.12.2017), Stroke

Important NOTE:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He can not substitute a visit at the doctor.



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