Sport 360- Edge revealed, legend Wrestlinga secret regarding his historic victory over John Cena in 2006 on the show New Year Revolution.
According to a report published by SportSkeeda Edge had to defeat five men at WrestleMania 21 to win the contract that he activated to face Cena to be crowned WWE Champion following wresting the belt from his opponent.
Edge was not enthusiastic regarding the fight that awarded him the precious title!
Edge indicated that he was reluctant to take part in the first “Money in the Bank ladder” game, before finally deciding to participate.
The report pointed out that WrestleMania 21 witnessed the competition of Chris Jericho, Shelton Benjamin, Chris Benoit, Christian, Kane and Edge to win the precious bag, and the report indicated that some of them were not very enthusiastic regarding the fight following telling them regarding him and his distinctive smile.
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Edge expressed his thinking in the meantime, and said, “I just remember thinking that this is what I work for, every year in this industry, this is what I work for.”
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