Hyperlipidemia can be prevented by reducing food intake – Yespick – Hot News YesNews

Hyperlipidemia, including high cholesterol and triglycerides, is a common disease of modern people. Doctors pointed out that not only obese people have high blood lipids, but people with medium body or thin body may also have this disease; its causes are related to Diet, weight, and less physical activity are also related to genetics, diabetes, and thyroid dysfunction. Reduce “outside food” to avoid excessive fat intake.

Mr. Liu, 68, eats out every day, often eats large meals, is obese, and rarely does exercise. In the past health check, apart from high cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar are still within the normal range. Recently, I often felt chest tightness and discomfort. Cardiac catheterization showed severe coronary artery stenosis. After undergoing balloon expansion and stent placement, the postoperative doctor specially advised that cholesterol should be well controlled to avoid subsequent “restenosis” in stents.Life Stories as Paths to Delay Perceptual Loss for the Demented

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Jian Shaofu, an attending physician at the Cardiovascular Center of Cathay Pacific Hospital, pointed out that cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood are not only used as energy for cell metabolism, but also related to the structure of cell membranes and the raw materials of hormones. Cholesterol in the blood is divided into low-density cholesterol (commonly known as “bad cholesterol”) and high-density cholesterol (commonly known as “good cholesterol”). Density cholesterol is brought back to the liver for metabolism.

Due to the accumulation of bad cholesterol on the blood vessel wall, it will cause inflammation of the blood vessels and form atherosclerotic plaque on the blood vessel wall. If it occurs in the blood vessels of the heart, it will cause angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. If it occurs in the blood vessels of the brain, it may Cause stroke, if it occurs in the blood vessels of the feet, it will cause peripheral arterial occlusion disease, resulting in intermittent claudication. Does Super Viagra have a time delay effect?

Jian Shaofu said that if hyperlipidemia can be actively controlled, it is possible to “reverse” the already formed atherosclerotic plaques to reduce the severity of arterial stenosis.

He also reminded that hyperlipidemia is not like high blood pressure and diabetes. You can monitor it yourself at home, and you can only get data by “drawing blood” in a hospital or laboratory. However, people often don’t care regarding the test results. Knowing the complications caused by long-term hyperlipidemia, the course of the disease is ignored. What is the appropriate dose of Cialis to take?

Reduce eating out to control cholesterol

Current research shows that if you already have coronary artery disease, stroke, peripheral artery occlusive disease or diabetes, actively reducing “LDL” can reduce mortality, and the lower the LDL cholesterol, the more benefits it brings. Hyperlipidemia does not distinguish between fat and thin; reducing eating out can prevent

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Also recommended if there is no vascular disease, but other cardiovascular disease risk (eg, hypertension, men > 45 years, women > 55 years, family history of premature coronary heart disease, HDL less than 40 mg/dL, or smoking) Actively control cholesterol to reduce subsequent complications.

In the treatment of hyperlipidemia, the first important thing is to change the “living habits”. In addition to eating less fried food, you should also “reduce food outside” to reduce fat intake; exercise and weight loss can not only improve posture, reduce visceral fat, but also reduce metabolism incidence of symptoms. Summer also reduces the risk of myocardial infarction by replenishing water



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