PS5 and Xbox: excluded or not? That is the question – LaPetitePelle draws JV – N°438

News inside PS5 and Xbox: excluded or not? That is the question – LaPetitePelle draws JV – N°438

Published on 03/07/2022 at 09:00

We are slowly but surely arriving at the summer period of video games, and the least we can say is that we don’t have much to put in our mouths whether it’s on the PS5 or the Xbox Series. LaPetitePelle looks back on this week on this little video game desert.

It is true that apart from Stray et Xenoblade Chronicles 3, this summer promises to be very bland for video games. The month of August will be punctuated by the release of Saints Row (2022), but nothing more. The publishers seem, as usual, to keep their biggest cartridges for this fall, the market becoming a real battlefield. Among the belligerents of the medium, we obviously find Call of Duty, Pokémon and other consorts. You can always wait while farming hours on Monster Hunter Rise : Sunbreakor you make and redo Portal 1 and 2, fresh out on your Nintendo Switch.

PS5 and Xbox: excluded or not?  That is the question - LaPetitePelle draws JV - N°438

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