Martín Guzmán resigned as Minister of Economy in the midst of a crisis in the Argentine Government | International

The official published on his social networks an extensive letter of resignation from his position addressed to the Argentine president, Alberto Fernández. He communicated it in the middle of the act that Cristina Kirchner, his main critic, was leading in Ensenada.

The Argentine Minister of Economy, Martín Guzmán, He published this Saturday on his social networks an extensive letter of resignation from his position.

The statement was given in the middle of the act that was leading the Vice President Cristina Kirchner, its main criticism, in Ensenada, as published Profile.

“Dr. Albert Fernandez. I am writing to you to present my resignation from the position of Minister of Economy of the Nation”, begins the letter from the now former national official.

It was an announcement that surprised everyone following the national president supported it despite the fierce criticism of Kirchnerism.

In this sense, Guzmán “profoundly” thanked the support of Alberto Fernandez “These more than 30 months of work, which were marked by an absolutely unique scenario.”

Martín Guzmán resigned as Minister of Economy

In the letter, which has seven pages, the former minister reviewed his entire management, from the agreement on the foreign debt, the energy situation and dollar reserves, among other topics.

However, the agreement with the IMF was one of the points that stood out the most in his letter.

“The level of effort and concentration that I observed in his cabinet and in the teams of the different ministries involved in responding to the situation was moving,” he said of the government’s actions during the covid-19 pandemic.

In addition, he listed the economic measures that were taken at that time, such as the IFE and the ATP.

Guzmán recommended a “political agreement” to President Fernández

Finally, he recommended Alberto to make a political agreement in the Front of All so that the next minister does not suffer the internal ones.

“From the experience I have lived, I believe that it will be essential that I work on a political agreement within the ruling coalition so that whoever replaces me has centralized management of the macroeconomic policy instruments necessary to consolidate the progress described and face the challenges ahead,” he says.

“Personally, I want to reiterate my gratitude for these unique years of joint work. I thank him for his respectful treatment, his warmth, and his leadership, courage and bravery in a number of complex situations that we have had to face, ”he adds.

“I also greatly appreciate his genuine empathy with the people, his undoubted commitment to improving the quality of life for the people he governs, and his appreciation of transparency. I have learned a lot from you, dear Alberto”, he continued.

“With the deep conviction and confidence in my vision of the path that Argentina should follow, I will continue working and acting for a more just, free and sovereign Homeland,” Guzmán concluded the letter.

Guzmán resigned while Cristina spoke in Ensenada

The minister’s resignation letter was published on their networks, while Vice President Cristina Kirchner led an act for the tribute for the anniversary of the death of Juan Domingo Perón in Ensenada.

There, he returned to launch criticism of “Albertismo”.



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