Wuxi’s large-scale isolation and control requires non-essential non-leaving from tin (video) | The CCP is cleared | All staff are quarantined |

Beijing time:2022-07-02 03:26

[NTDTV, Beijing time, July 02, 2022]The CCP insisted on “clearing”, and another major city began to quarantine and control, entering the “quasi-quasi”lockdown“Status. Many communities in Wuxi, Jiangsu have been blocked, and residents “do not leave the tin unless necessary”. There is a video of community residents being collectively pulled away and quarantined.

June 30, Jiangsu ProvinceWuxiA number of positive patients were reported. The authorities announced on July 1 that all residents were required to “non-essentially stay away from tin” and take the initiative to cooperate in carrying out nucleic acid testing. If there is a need for free tin, a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours must be provided.

The authorities also “advocated” citizens not to go out unless necessary, and employees of units and enterprises to implement “point-to-point” travel. From 20:00 pm on July 1, urban residents entering units, communities and public places and taking public transportation must hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours or a sampling certificate within 24 hours.

In addition, some activity areas of a positive patient include East China Trade City, Guangyi Street, Liangxi District, North Gate Wood Market of Leather City, Yunlin Street, Xishan District, Wuxi Weifu High-Tech Group Co., Ltd. (30 Xixing Road), Xinwu District. No.) is listed as a “high-risk area”, where “staying at home” and home isolation are implemented; Sheng’an No. 2 Village, Huishan Street, Liangxi District, Guangyi Xingyuan, Guangyi Street, and Sunshine Yibai North District, Yanqiao Street, Huishan District The second phase of Arles, the first area of ​​Xin’an Huayuan, Xin’an Street, Xinwu District, and the second phase of Haiya Jinyuan, Jiangxi Street are “medium-risk areas”, and “people don’t go out of the area and take things at different peaks”.

The video posted on the Internet that day showed that,WuxiHundreds of thousands of people wearing protective clothing lined up on the street, and suspected residents of the community were collectively pulled away for isolation.

Another video showed that there might be at least thousands of residents waiting to be quarantined.

According to the seventh census of the Chinese Communist Party, the permanent population of Wuxi exceeds 7 million.

Some netizens sighed that just a few days following Shanghai stopped, another big city began to be closed. Another netizen commented: “The (CCP officials) began to stand up politically, but they were holding the freedom and allegiance of the common people.” Another netizen said: “The economy is bankrupt, and there is no food to eat. Epidemic prevention is the best way for (the CCP) to transfer conflicts and strengthen management and control. method.”

(Editor in charge: Jing Zhongming)

URL of this article: https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2022/07/01/a103469609.html



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