The survival game that is one of the most played on Steam, at half the price

The platform offers one of its most popular titles with a 50% discount.

Steam always has the best offers to get the best games at incredible prices. Now, in the framework ofl Steam Summer Salethose promotions multipliedand made the platform stop at half price a title that is among the 10 most played on all of Steam.

The survival game that is one of the most played on Steam, at half the price

Rust has been established for a long time among the 10 most played titles on the PC platform. Now, this survival game It can be obtained with a 50% discount until July 7the day on which the Steam Summer Sale. Also, the DLC of the video game developed by Facepunch Studios can also be purchased at half price.

Rust half price on Steam

What is Rust regarding, one of the 10 most played games on Steam

In the title released in 2018, players will wake up on a mysterious island with nothing but a rock and a torch. From there, They must survive not only the dangerous animals and men that inhabit the place, but they must also avoid dying of hunger or cold. In this multiplayer title, players will also be able to meet other survivors, Will they be allies or enemies?

Rust half price on Steam


Rust half price on Steam

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