Here are 06 reasons why mosquitoes bite some people than others

Female tiger mosquito biting a human. ROGER ERITJA / BIOSPHOTO

Mosquitoes become more and more invasive with the rainy period. However, the remark that is regularly made is that these bite more certain people to the detriment of others. Discover in this article the reasons behind this.

Some skins repel mosquitoes because of the skin repellents mosquitoes use. Others, on the other hand, attract them. Here are the reasons why mosquitoes bite some people more than others.

Carbon dioxide

Mosquito control can be a real obsession for those who get bitten at night. Did you know that it is the female that causes these bites? These insects attracted by stagnant water are also attracted to carbon dioxide. When we exercise we emit more carbon dioxide and this can potentially alert a mosquito that is nearby. Athletes are prime prey for these biting insects which can be dangerous in tropical regions and carry the Zika virus.

body odor

Mosquitoes love certain compounds found on human skin but also in sweat that attract mosquitoes. These elements are ammonia but also lactic acid which are present on the epidermis. The likelihood of being bitten is also genetic. If one of your parents tends to get bitten by mosquitoes often, this may be the case for you. Moreover, according to a study, it was revealed that these harmful insects would be attracted by the smell of the hands of the twins. The bacteria present on the skin tissue are among the factors of vulnerability to this sting which causes itching. Scientists attest that those who have a wide variety of microbes on the skin are less likely to suffer from this annoying annoyance, as explained in the present study published in Plos One.

The colors you wear

Although it hasn’t actually been explained, these biting insects are attracted to the color black. The same goes for dark colors. You will have understood it: if you want to ward off those bites that cause itches, wear lighter colors!

The heat

The spring season, a season when it is good to garden, warms our skin and the climate is milder. Only downside: high temperatures are a factor in the appearance of mosquitoes that can detect heat on the dermis and land there.

The alcohol

If alcohol is reputed to be bad for your health, it would even attract mosquitoes following its consumption. People who drink beer are especially popular with these pests.

Mosquitoes bite specific places on the body

While mosquitoes, which you can easily get away from, bite any area of ​​the skin to feed on human blood, they still enjoy biting certain places on the body. According to a study, these flying insects have favorite sting spots. This is the case for the head and the feet. In question: always the sweat and the temperature of this area, particularly hot and humid.



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