Radio Ayni shares this radio special as part of a cycle of programs on women and good living.
RADIO AYNI It is a community, autonomous and self-managed communication media and collective, which we talk from Human Rights, regarding: Original Peoples, women, diversities, migrations, social movements, territorial defenses once morest extractivism and current affairs.
In episode 257, in the cycle of programs on women and good living, they share the knowledge and experiences of Marcia Mamani, Medical Technologist. Naturopath- Homeopath Minsal certification. Andean medicine and intercultural health specialization.
We women are “the guardians of ancestral knowledge”, the connection with the Pachamama, with the biological conditions for reproduction, menstrual cycles, like those of nature and the moon… warminaka, Aymara women of today.
“We continue to highlight Aymara medicine, which is why in episode 257, we share the “Glossary of Medicinal Herbs, Properties and Mode of Use”, capsules that we carry out within the framework of the AyniAcción: Salud project, financed by the Health and Indigenous Peoples 2006”, says Radio Ayni.
This episode ends with information on the draft of the New Constitution, support for the demand for justice for Francisca Sandoval, and Andean music from the territory.