Switzerland may resort to “rationing” to address gas shortages

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Rationing is defined as the controlled distribution of scarce resources, goods, services, or artificial constraints on demand. Rationing controls the size of the ration, which is the permitted portion for an individual/sector of the resources distributed on a particular day or time.

The Swiss government decided in March to establish gas reserve For the winter season 2022-2023 and the gas industry and authorities are preparing to implement it.

and get Switzerlandwhich does not have any sea outlets, accesses gas through trading centers in neighboring countries of the European Union, and therefore, disruptions in supplies will affect it.

The demand for gas is relatively low in Switzerland and covers regarding 15 percent of the total Energy consumption.

According to government data, regarding 42 percent of the gas is used to heat homes, while the rest goes to the industrial, service and transportation sectors.

The government previously said that 47 percent of Switzerland imports of the gas comes directly or indirectly from Russia.

and support Old Continent From a severe shortage of Russian gas supplies, Austria, the Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark have already activated contingency plans in the energy sector.

and raised Germany The degree of alertness in the sector to the second level out of three levels of alertness. At the third level, the government will impose full control over the operations of natural gas distribution in the country. Germany and other European countries are also moving towards adopting quotas in natural gas supplies, which are all components of the war economy.

forced Austria to restart electricity station It works with coal that pollutes the environment. and brought back Germany Operation of coal generators. This is painful for a country that has been insisting on giving up coal plants altogether. It is also particularly painful for the Green Party officials involved in the ruling coalition, who run the Ministries of Energy and Commerce, who are forced to implement this regression in energy and environmental policies.

complete interruption

He was the CEO ofInternational Energy Agency Fatih Birol has warned that Europe must immediately prepare for the possibility of a complete halt to Russian gas exports this winter, urging governments to take measures to reduce demand and restart aging nuclear power plants.

Birol said Russia’s decision to cut gas supply to me European countries The past week may be a prelude to further cuts, as Moscow seeks to deepen "its effect" during her war with Ukraine. Therefore, it must be Europe Ready in the event that Russian gas is completely cut off, according to the newspaper "Financial Times".

He added:" The closer we get to winter, the more we understand our intentions Russia more. I believe that the cuts were intended to disable Europe from achieving sufficient gas reserves, and thus increase Russia’s influence in the winter months".

As the CEO demanded Italian EniClaudio Descalzi, Europe should accelerate its efforts to diversify its energy sources because supplies from Russia may stop within a few months or within a year.

Speaking at London’s Chatham House think-tank yesterday, Descalzi said European countries have already reduced dependence on Russia since the beginning of the year. Ukraine crisisadding that Gas next from Russia It currently accounts for regarding 10 percent of the total gas consumption in the European Union.


Rationing is defined as the controlled distribution of scarce resources, goods, services, or artificial constraints on demand. Rationing controls the size of the ration, which is the permitted portion for an individual/sector of the resources distributed on a particular day or time.

The Swiss government decided in March to establish gas reserve For the winter season 2022-2023 and the gas industry and authorities are preparing to implement it.

and get Switzerlandwhich does not have any sea outlets, accesses gas through trading centers in neighboring countries of the European Union, and therefore, disruptions in supplies will affect it.

The demand for gas is relatively low in Switzerland and covers regarding 15 percent of the total Energy consumption.

According to government data, regarding 42 percent of the gas is used to heat homes, while the rest goes to the industrial, service and transportation sectors.

The government previously said that 47 percent of Switzerland imports of the gas comes directly or indirectly from Russia.

and support Old Continent From a severe shortage of Russian gas supplies, Austria, the Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark have already activated contingency plans in the energy sector.

and raised Germany The degree of alertness in the sector to the second level out of three levels of alertness. At the third level, the government will impose full control over the operations of natural gas distribution in the country. Germany and other European countries are also moving towards adopting quotas in natural gas supplies, which are all components of the war economy.

forced Austria to restart electricity station It works with coal that pollutes the environment. and brought back Germany Operation of coal generators. This is painful for a country that has been insisting on giving up coal plants altogether. It is also particularly painful for the Green Party officials involved in the ruling coalition, who run the Ministries of Energy and Commerce, who are forced to implement this regression in energy and environmental policies.

complete interruption

He was the CEO ofInternational Energy Agency Fatih Birol has warned that Europe must immediately prepare for the possibility of a complete halt to Russian gas exports this winter, urging governments to take measures to reduce demand and restart aging nuclear power plants.

Birol said Russia’s decision to cut gas supply to me European countries The past week may be a prelude to further cuts, as Moscow seeks to deepen its “influence” during its war with Russia Ukraine. Therefore, it must be Europe Ready in the event that Russian gas is completely cut off, according to the Financial Times.

He added, “The closer we get to winter, the more we understand the intentions of it Russia more. I believe that the cuts were intended to disable Europe from achieving sufficient gas reserves, and thus increase Russia’s influence in the winter months.”

As the CEO demanded Italian EniClaudio Descalzi, Europe should accelerate its efforts to diversify its energy sources because supplies from Russia may stop within a few months or within a year.

Speaking at London’s Chatham House think-tank yesterday, Descalzi said European countries have already reduced dependence on Russia since the beginning of the year. Ukraine crisisadding that Gas next from Russia It currently accounts for regarding 10 percent of the total gas consumption in the European Union.



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