Hoeness: Lewandowski lost the trust of fans?I can’t add fuel to the fire and want to abolish 50+1 to win the Champions League_Bayern_Guan Lai_Voice

Original title: Hoeness: Lewandowski lost the trust of fans? I can’t add fuel to the fire and want to abolish 50+1 to win the Champions League

Hoeness: Lewandowski lost the trust of fans? I can’t add fuel to the fire and want to abolish 50+1 to win the Champions League

Live it, June 30. Former Bayern chairman Hoeness was interviewed not long ago and talked regarding Lewandowski and 50+1.

——Did Lewandowski lose the trust of the fans due to the promotion of the transfer?

If you let me comment, it will only add fuel to the fire. Since the Bayern club has not spoken out on this, then I will not say anything.

– 50+1 policy (foreign investors cannot acquire more than 49% of German clubs)

I was once morest breaking 50+1, but now the Italians and the English are throwing us off. If we want to stand on top of Europe, we have to change the “50+1”, this rule can be abolished.

You want to win the Champions League and you want to stick to “50+1”, you can’t have both.

Foreign investors and sustainable development are not incompatible. Just look at Liverpool: the club is American-owned, but you still get goosebumps whenever they chant “you’ll never walk alone”, it’s not mutually exclusive.

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