Elisabeth Borne receives Mathilde Panot at Matignon before Marine Le Pen

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20h39 : A minor was taken into police custody following the assault at tear gas from LFI MP Raquel Garrido and several of its activists in Drancy (Seine-Saint-Denis) during the legislative campaign, announces the parquet floor of Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis) to AFP. The 15-year-old teenager was arrested on Tuesday evening by police officers from the Drancy police station.

20h00 : It is 8 p.m., here is the point on the news:

• Investigation for “attempted rape” was opened once morest Minister Damien Abad, announces the Paris prosecutor’s office. A complaint was filed earlier this week.

• The Assembly continues to elect its executives. Six vice presidents were elected this followingnoon : Valérie Rabault (PS), Caroline Fiat (LFI), Elodie Jacquier-Laforge (MoDem), Naïma Moutchou (Horizons), Sébastien Chenu (RN) and Hélène Laporte (RN).

After 10 months of hearing, the hour of the verdict. At the November 13 trial, the court is due to render its long-awaited decision in the coming hours on the fate of Salah Abdeslam and his co-defendants, who have been tried since September for the worst attacks ever committed in France.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of instrumentalizing “famine” and “energy” especially for “humiliate” NATO members, during a videoconference broadcast at the NATO summit, which takes place in Madrid.

19h17 : Good evening @Laura. As for the other committees, the vote will take place tomorrow at 10.30 am.

19h17 : Hello FI. Thank you for your daily work to answer us! when will we know to whom the finance commission is assigned?

19h00 : We know the names of the new quaestors of the National Assembly: Eric Woerth (Renaissance), Marie Guévenoux (Renaissance) and Eric Ciotti (Les Républicains). A quaestor is responsible for “financial and administrative services” of the Assembly. “No new expenditure can be incurred without their prior opinion”Explain the AN website.

18h45 : Good evening @Baba. Sébastien Chenu and Hélène Laporte obtained 290 and 284 votes. The RN group has 89 deputies, around 200 non-RN parliamentarians therefore voted for Marine Le Pen’s party, including representatives of the majority. This resultat is in line with the democratic choices of French men and women and reflects the diversity of the National Assembly”reacted Jean-Paul Matteï, president of the MoDem group.

18h43 : Hello FI! Is it true that the election of the two deputies RN vice-presidents of the Assembly means that deputies from the majority voted for them? (I hope my question is clear ^_^)

18h13 : She is now the fourth character in the state. Yaël Braun-Pivet was appointed yesterday to the presidency of the National Assembly. Franceinfo paints its portrait in This article.


17h46 : Discover the composition of the ten political groups within the National Assembly, using our search engine. The distribution in the hemicycle of the National Assembly according to political groups, as of June 29, 2022. (ELLEN LOZON / FRANCEINFO) (ELLEN LOZON / FRANCEINFO)

17h42 : After the quaestors, the vice-presidents of the National Assembly are known. Hélène Laporte (RN), Sébastien Chenu (RN), Elodie Jacquier-Laforge (MoDem), Naïma Moutchou (Horizons), Valérie Rabault (PS-Nupes) and Caroline Fiat (LFI-Nupes) were elected by an absolute majority. The two environmental candidates, Sandrine Rousseau and Benjamin Lucas, were eliminated in the first round.

16h20 : The leader of the deputies of La France insoumise, Mathilde Panot, is to be received by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne at Matignon, in the next few minutes. The head of government must also receive the leader of the elected representatives of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, at 5:30 p.m.

14h57 : We know the three quaestors of the National Assembly, following an agreement between the majority and Les Républicains: they are Marie Guévenoux (Renaissance), Eric Woerth (Renaissance) and Eric Ciotti (LR), d ‘following a parliamentary source at France Télévisions. As a reminder, the quaestors can in particular control the budget of the Assembly and manage the personnel of the Palais-Bourbon.

14h15 : Hello, the vote for the presidency of the Finance Committee will take place tomorrow, at 10.30 am, during the meeting of the eight permanent committees for the election of their bureau. But you are right, there is indeed a vote this followingnoon, at 3 p.m., for the posts of vice-presidents, secretaries and quaestors, so many key functions in an upset Assembly.

14h15 : At what time will the vote for the Finance Committee take place this followingnoon?

13h19 : The Socialist deputies call for the creation of a “delegation for the rights of the child” in the Assembly and the Senate. This request was addressed by the president of the group, Boris Vallaud, and the deputy Isabelle Santiago to the president of the newly elected Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet. It must be said that in France, “and child is raped every hour. Also in France, a child is killed in the family circle every five days and at least 50,000 minors are victims of abuse per year.are alarmed the elected socialists in their mail.

12h51 : At the end of a two-hour meeting this morning, the various parliamentary groups of the National Assembly failed to agree on the distribution of the posts of vice-presidents, quaestors and secretaries, according to information from France Televisions. A vote is therefore scheduled for this followingnoon, at 3 p.m., item by item, before the distribution of the standing committees, tomorrow.

12h30 : Decisive week in the hemicycle of the Palais-Bourbon. After the election of the President of the National Assembly, it is now the undecided vote of the President of the Finance Committee which is the focus of all eyes. For this coveted position, which is statutorily up to the opposition, the Nupes and the National Rally are seeking to impose their respective candidates, Eric Coquerel and Jean-Philippe Tanguy. Explanations from our journalists Antoine Comte and Thibaud Le Meneec. The National Assembly, in Paris, during the first public session of the 16th legislature, June 28, 2022. (XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS / AFP) (XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

11h11 : Jean-Michel Blanquer, former Minister of National Education, has planned to send an appeal to the Constitutional Council today, following his defeat in the first round in the 4th constituency of Loiret. His request concerns irregularities in the campaign of the candidate Nupes Bruno Nottin. This information of The Republic of the Center has been confirmed at France 3 Centre-Loire Valley.

10h40 : PCF boss Fabien Roussel announced, on Europe 1that he was going to introduce a bill to “immediately reduce gasoline taxes by 35 cents” . He also wishes “tax the profits of oil companies”, including TotalEnergies.

08h53 : “I am convinced that voters [des députés LR] do not want it to be Mr. Coquerel, the extreme left of the extreme left, who is at the head of the Finance Committee.

MP RN Marine Le Pen assures that there have been no discussions with elected LRs with a view to electing Jean-Philippe Tanguy (RN) as head of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly. There is no pact”she declares on franceinfo, while putting the deputies LRin front of their repinability”.

08h20 : “We are going to ask for an additional effort to lower prices at the pump from the major energy companies, including French ones.”

Clément Beaune wants these companies to participate “collective effort”in the context of high inflation. “I believe that at this stage it is better to find a negotiated solution. The goal is not for the State to take a tax and then pay it back to consumers, it is for it to drop quickly and sharply for the consumer. “

08:04 : “We will have to negotiate on the right with LR and on the left as well, with constructive environmentalists in particular”➡️ #Les4V @CBeaune

08h40 : An outstretched hand. “We are going to have to discuss to find a majority with responsible people, concerned regarding public finances, concerned regarding social justice”declared the Minister Delegate for Europe Clément Beaune, this morning on France 2. I wish we might do it with constructive socialists or ecologists as well as with reasonable right-wingers.”

08:10 : This speech aroused many reactions, especially in the ranks of the left. Saying ‘I don’t know whether to judge the crimes, real or not, of the OAS’, that’s called historical negationism”, said LFI MP Alexis Corbière. “The National Assembly, today, was presided over by a man who makes historical negationism on a difficult moment in the history of France.”

08:10 : In 1962, I left part of my France there“. The dean of the deputies, José Gonzalez, 79, yesterday kicked off the work of the new National Assembly, referring in particular to French Algeria. Asked by the press, he then declared “having little or no knowledge of what OAS isthe Secret Army Organization, responsible for more than 2,200 deaths in Algeria and 70 in France.


08h08 : Meanwhile, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne is still seeking “compromise” to sustain the majority, by consulting the leaders of the parliamentary groups in the National Assembly. Today she will receive André Chassaigne (PCF), Mathilde Panot (LFI) then the leader of the RN deputies, Marine Le Pen, before the “independents” Bertrand Pancher and Christophe Naegelen.

08h08 : “I obviously welcome the election of a woman to the perch, it is a very encouraging symbol. Nor does anyone believe that this election is due solely to the fact that Yaël Braun-Pivet is a woman. She was president of the Law Commission and has done a recognized job there.”

Yaël Braun-Pivet was elected President of the National Assembly yesterday, and becomes the first woman to occupy the perch. Annie Genevard, Vice-President of the National Assembly and Deputy Vice-President of the Republicans, commented on this election on franceinfo.



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