Disappearance. Jean-Claude, candidate for season 6 of “Love in the meadow”, died

Jean-Claude Joly, farmer who had participated in season 6 of “Love is in the meadow” on M6, died at the age of 53.

The dairy farmer was found dead overnight from Friday to Saturday on his farm located in the village of La Frenaye, near Lillebonne, between Rouen and Le Havre, in Normandy. says Le Courrier Cauchois.

Karine Le Marchand, presenter of the show, paid tribute to her on her Instagram account. She writes: “My Jean-Claude, words fail me, but not my tears. Thank you for giving me so much joy and affection at each of our reunions. You chose to say stop, so rest in peace. My thoughts go out to Maud and your little Charlotte. »



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