two opposition deputies in court for the demonstration of June 17

Published on : 27/06/2022 – 16:01

In Senegal, the trial in flagrante delicto of two opposition deputies is being held this Monday at the Dakar High Court. Déthié Fall, representative of the Yewwi Askan Wi coalition, and Mame Diarra Fam, were arrested on Friday June 17, in particular for “illegal assembly”, during a demonstration banned by the prefecture. At least 3 people died during these demonstrations, in Dakar and in Casamance, in the south of the country.

With our correspondent in Dakar, Charlotte Idrac

The hearing opened in a full house and in the presence of several leaders of the Yewwi Askan Wi coalition such as Ousmane Sonko, Khalifa Sall, former mayor of Dakar, or even the deputy Aida Mbodj. It took place in the courthouse, secured by a large force of order. In total, 84 defendants arrested on June 17 in Dakar are tried during this special and public hearing, in particular for “ unlawful assembly during which violence and damage to property were committed ».

From the outset, the president of the court called for restraint, calm and serenity. ” Only the right will be said, whatever the circumstances “, he assured.

When they arrived in the room, the deputies were applauded by their supporters, some made the “V” for victory. ” No nods of approval or disapproval allowed “, replied the president of the court, who called for restraint and serenity

“The right to demonstrate is enshrined in the constitution »

The first to be called to the stand was Dethie Fall, attorney for Yewwi Askan Wi. He rejected all the facts with which he is charged. « I introduced the declaration of demonstration at the level of the prefecture of Dakar who banned it, says Yewwi’s agent Askan Wi and ” I was abducted in front of my party headquarters “, he hammers. ” After the rally was banned, did you dissuade people from demonstrating? asked the prosecutor. ” We are in Senegal, the right to demonstrate is enshrined in the Constitution “, retorted the deputy.

In turn, Mame Diarra Fam, speaking in Wolof, rejected the accusations, stressing that she was far from the place planned for the demonstration, in this case the Place de la Nation.

For its part, the ruling coalition, Benno Bokk Yaakaar, is upwind following a tweet from French socialist Olivier Faure who denounces a Senegalese justice ” instrumentalized ” and an ” trampled democracy “. The spokesperson for the coalition denounces interference in Senegalese internal affairs and ” mental neocolonialism ».



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