There is Pico and Regional Plate to enter Bogotá on June 27, 2022

The entry of travelers in private vehicles to Bogotá will take place this holiday Monday of June 27 with the restrictions of the Pico and Regional Plate.

In this way, between 12 noon and 4:00 pm, entry will be enabled for vehicles with even plates and from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm for those with odd plates.

“Since the first holiday that the Pico y Placa Regional was implemented and to date, there is a record of 4,823 subpoenas for not complying with it, that is why we invite all travelers who must enter Bogotá after completing the bridges that are coming, to plan your trip taking into account the restriction”, said Felipe Ramírez, District Secretary of Mobility.

As explained, the reversible of the Seventh race, north-south direction, will be enabled on Sunday and Monday from 245th Street and 180th Street, between 2:30 pm and 8:00 pm

Road corridors where the Pico and Regional Plate apply

The restriction of circulation by Pico and Placa Regional applies in the nine entrance corridors to the city:

  1. North highway: from the Andes toll to the north portal of the TransMilenio system, in a north-south direction
  2. South highway: from the municipal limit of Soacha to Boyacá Avenue, in a south-north direction
  3. Centenario Avenue (13th Street): from the Bogotá River to the city of Cali Avenue (86th Carrera Avenue), from the west to the east
  4. Avenida calle 80: from the Guadua bridge to portal 80 of the TransMilenio system, from west to east
  5. Carrera 7 Avenue: from 245th Street to 183rd Street, in a north-south direction
  6. Avenida Boyacá via al Llano: from the Argelino Durán Quintero tunnel to the old via al Llano, in a south-north direction
  7. Vía Suba Cota: from the Bogotá river to Av. calle 170, in a north-south direction
  8. Via la Calera: from the Patios toll to Carrera 7 avenue, in an east-west direction
  9. Vía a Choachí: from the Vía a Monserrate to the ring road, in an east-west direction

Here, a publication about the Peak and Regional Plate:

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A shared publication of the Mayor’s Office of Bogotá (@alcaldiabogota)

Restriction for residents and visitors from the areas surrounding the corridors

The circulation restriction also operates in the entrance corridors to Bogotá for residents and visitors from surrounding areas, who must plan their trips to travel through these corridors according to the license plate numbers of their vehicles.

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With the Peak and Regional Plate, on Monday, June 27 and July 4, transit through the corridors where the measure is applied is allowed for residents of the surrounding areas only at the established times, that is, from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 pm for vehicles with plates ending in an even number and from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm for cars with odd plates.

What exceptions do not apply to the Pico and Regional Plate?

The circulation exceptions for the Pico y Placa Solidario and Carro Compartida are not valid for the Pico y Placa Regional.

Remember that the sanctions for non-compliance with the Pico y Placa measure are stipulated in the National Traffic Code for infraction C.14: “Transit through restricted sites or at times prohibited by the competent authority. In addition, the vehicle will be immobilized”. The fine is equivalent this 2022 to $468,500.

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