While monkey pox has also been introduced into Korea, medical staff who need to treat monkey pox patients have received the second-generation smallpox vaccine.
The government is planning to bring in a third-generation vaccine next month instead of this vaccine, which is difficult to inoculate and concerns regarding side effects.
Reporter Ki Jeong-hoon reports.
Drain the liquid solvent with a syringe, pour into the powdered vaccine bottle and mix well.
Instead of a syringe, a ‘branching needle’ that looks like a very small fork.
Apply the vaccine and puncture one area under the shoulder 15 times.
[이한나 / 국립중앙의료원 감염격리병동 간호사 : 처음에는 15번 찌른다고 해서 좀 무서웠는데 생각보다 안 아파 가지고 지금은 괜찮아요.]
Since it is a method of making antibodies by making a wound on the skin, blisters are formed following the inoculation, but you need to take good care of it so that the body fluid does not leak out.
Aside from the inconvenience, you need to be very careful as you can spread the disease to others before the scab sits down and falls off.
[전재현 / 국립중앙의료원 감염내과 전문의 : 일반 병원이었으면 이 백신을 맞아서 이렇게 불편을 감수할 이유가 없는 상황입니다. 그런데 우리 병원은 국립 중앙 격리병원으로서 두창을 비롯해서 원숭이 두창 환자가 가장 많이 올 걸로 예상을 할 수 있는 그런 병원입니다.]
20 medical staff who received the second-generation smallpox vaccine on the first day volunteered.
The second-generation vaccine is for bioterrorism, so the quantity is sufficient, but the inoculation is difficult and the side effects such as myocarditis and encephalitis are not uncommon.
[김연재 / 국립중앙의료원 감염병대응팀장 : 이게 생백신이다 보니까 면역 저하자인 경우에는 말 그대로 질환을 일으킬 수 있는 거죠. 그래서 상대적 금기에 해당하는 사람들은 접종을 권하지 않습니다.]
Instead, they are rushing to introduce a third-generation vaccine.
It is more convenient because it is a method that is given 2 times with regular subcutaneous injections 4 weeks apart.
There are no serious adverse reactions, and if a person who has been in contact with a confirmed person gets hit, the symptoms are suppressed, which has the effect of blocking the spread.
The government, which has decided to deliver 500 doses of ‘Tecovirimat’ for monkey pox treatment next month, is discussing with manufacturers with the goal of introducing a third-generation vaccine next month.
This is YTN Ki Jeong-hoon.
YTN Ki Jeong-hoon ([email protected])
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