I wanted to sleep with this antique and agreed to sleep with it

Thank you for reading the news regarding Without being ashamed.. I watched, Yousra confesses: I wanted to have sex with this antique, and I agreed to sleep with him, and now with the details

Aden – Yasmine El Tohamy – Egyptian star Yousra is considered one of the most prominent stars of Arab cinema, for the distinguished works she presented throughout her career.

Yusra was born on March 10, 1955, in the Cairo neighborhood. Her real name is Sefin Hafez Naseem. She was the only daughter of her parents, but she did not have a happy childhood following their separation from each other.

After her mother’s divorce, she lived with her father once morest her will following he took her from her mother’s bosom by force, and in her father’s house she was subjected to harsh treatment by her wife, which almost destroyed her psychologically. However, she insisted not to surrender until she obtained a GCE certificate.

Her artistic career

Yousra’s talent was discovered by Abdel Halim Nasr, director of photography, and presented for the first time through her participation in the movie “A thousand and a bossa”, and then presented it in the films: “A Girl Looking for Love”, “One Smile is Enough”, “Young People Dancing Over Fire” and “Palace”. In the Air,” “Paradise Under Her Feet,” “Swimsuits for the Girl of Usta Mahmoud,” “Shaitan al-Jazeera,” and in the series “Juha and the Girls of Shahbandar.”

After that, star Youssra presented the great director Youssef Chahine in a number of films that won many major prizes, on top of which are my films: “Hadouta Masriya” and “Alexandria Kaman Wakman”.

Her credit in the cinema

Yousra participated in regarding 70 films, and formed a wonderful duet with the artist Adel Imam in the films: “The Man Lives Once,” “At the Minister’s Gate,” “Bobos,” “The Yacoubian Building,” “Tour of Darkness,” “Terror and Kebab,” and “Terrorism and Kebab.” Devil’s Island, “The Forgotten,” “Man and Jinn,” and “Krakoon in the Street.” The artist Ahmed Zaki also participated in a number of wonderful films, most notably “The Shepherd and Women”, “One Woman is Not Enough” and “His Excellency the Minister”, and the late artist Mahmoud Yassin participated in the films “The Secret Session” and “The Exorcism”.

Her credit for drama

Yousra has presented a large number of successful series, most notably “Raafat Al-Hagan”, “Hayat Al-Jawhari”, “Awan Al-Ward”, “Malik Rouhi”, “Question of Public Opinion” and “Critical Moments”. She also participated in the radio series “Majnoun Laila” and the series “Majnoun Laila”. In Safe Hands”, and the series “Sharbat Luz”. And she achieved great success in the character of Maryam in the series “Nakedb If We Say We Don’t Love You”, the series “Saraya Abdeen”, “Above Suspicion Level”, the series “The Account Collects” and “We Have Other Sayings”. And theatrically, she participated in the plays “When Baba Sleeps”, “The Beginning and the End” and “High Heels”.

her singing work

Lisra had a lyrical debut in cooperation with the singer “Abu” through the song “Thalaat Daqat”, which was a great success in the Arab world to win an award at the Murex D’or Festival in Beirut, which is added to the many awards she received during her career, including the best actress for the film “A warm winter’s night”.

And recently, pages specialized in art and celebrity news re-published a bold television interview with the Egyptian star Yousra, through the social media platforms.

Yousra surprised her fans and fans, with shocking and bold statements regarding some details of her personal and professional life, during the interview.

While the famous doll, Abla Fahita, hosted her on her “Duplex” program broadcast on the “ON” channel, Yousra revealed that she was herself marrying her father-in-law, Khaled Saleh Selim, former president of Al-Ahly Club, Saleh Selim, while they were traveling abroad.

She said that the flight attendant asked her to marry Saleh Selim, even for one night, and she agreed at once, but he refused. Confirmed that “it was a moon.”

her marriage

Yousra married the engineer Khaled Selim, brother of the artist Hisham Selim, but she did not have children, and she revealed in more than one meeting that she agreed with her husband in his decision not to have children in this wild world, and stated that if she had a daughter, she would call her “Kenzi” because of her love The daughter of her cousin with the same name.

her illness

Yusra was diagnosed with a disease in her ear and vocal cords that almost completely lost her voice, so she started receiving cortisone treatment, which led to her sudden weight gain. Doctors prevented her from speaking for 3 months, which caused her suffering.

Chosen as a goodwill ambassador

She was chosen by the United Nations Development Program as a Goodwill Ambassador in 2006, due to her fame throughout the Arab world and the work she presented during her artistic career aimed at supporting women’s issues and sending messages in various political, social and humanitarian fields, in addition to her participation in many social associations.



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