News 24 | A News 24 tour reveals the methods and prices of smuggling pilgrims from Riyadh to Mecca

A field tour revealedNews 24The methods used by the “Kaddon” to transport the violating pilgrims from the Riyadh region to the holy sites in twisted ways in which fraud, deception and risks abound.

One of the workers, of Asian nationality, said that he transports the violating pilgrims to Taif or the city of Jeddah, and then citizens take turns to transport them inside Mecca and the holy sites in an irregular way.

Another Pakistani citizen explained that he transports pilgrims from Riyadh to Mecca for 600 riyals, and that his task is divided into two phases. The first phase is to deliver pilgrims to the meqat, in return for an amount of 200 riyals, provided that another smuggler takes over from the meeqat who transports passengers through known routes. Well, to get them to the feelings, and he charges an amount of 400 riyals for each passenger.



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