[정치]The activation of people-to-people exchanges between Korea and Japan begins… Shall we find a clue to the problems of the past?


As the Korean and Japanese governments decided to resume the Gimpo-Haneda flight route from the 29th, which had been suspended due to Corona 19, it started to revitalize people-to-people exchanges.

While there are observations that it might be a ‘momentum’ for improving relations between the two countries, the key is whether to find a clue to a solution to the problems of the past, such as forced labor.

Reporter Jo Soo-hyun reports.


The Gimpo-Haneda route, which has been suspended since March 2020 due to the followingmath of COVID-19, has been considered a symbol of Korea-Japan exchange.

Therefore, the news that flights will resume following two years was considered the first signal of restoration of Korea-Japan relations under the Yun Seok-yeol administration.

[조진구 / 경남대 극동문제연구소 교수 : 국민 간 신뢰를 회복하는 데 좀 도움이 될 것이라고 생각이 돼요. 앙금을 푸는 혹은 서로를 이해할 수 있는 계기가 되면 좋을 것 같다고 생각합니다.]

However, the problem of past history remains a difficult task.

In particular, the biggest stumbling block is the cash flow of Japanese companies’ domestic assets to compensate for damages from forced labor.

The final judgment on the re-appeal of a Japanese company that the Supreme Court of Korea has issued an order to cash out is expected to be released this fall, but if it is dismissed, the sale process will proceed.

As Japan has been extremely sensitive to the possibility of cash flow, it is predicted that the relationship between Korea and Japan will collapse if the sale proceeds.

Therefore, it is important to find a diplomatic solution before that. As part of that, the government is promoting the formation of a public-private joint organization.

[박 진 / 외교부 장관 : 계각층의 의견을 수렴해서 민관협력기구가 출범하면 실질적인 문제들을 잘 논의할 수 있도록 준비 중입니다.]

In the midst of this, as President Yoon Seok-yeol and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida are scheduled to attend the NATO summit this week side by side, attention is focused on whether bilateral talks will be successful.

Although it is unlikely that a breakthrough will be achieved through top-level contacts, it is expected that this might serve as a place to reaffirm the will to improve relations.

This is Jo Soo-hyun from YTN.

YTN Jo Soo-hyun (sj1029@ytn.co.kr)

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