Large demo in Munich – black block worries the police

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Created: 25.06.2022Updated: 06/25/2022, 09:36 am

Von: Teresa Toth


Around 3,000 police officers in Munich are involved in the large demo on Saturday. (symbol photo) © Tobias Hase/dpa

A large demonstration takes place in Munich one day before the G7 summit. The police brace themselves for possible violence. It starts at 12.00 p.m.

Munich – The G7 summit will take place on Sunday (June 26) at Schloss Elmau in the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen. But before this starts, numerous demonstrators are already taking to the streets. According to the police, at least 20,000 participants are expected at a major demonstration in Munich on Saturday (June 25) – if the weather is good, there might be significantly more.

The demonstration is scheduled to start at 12 p.m. on the Theresienwiese. 15 associations critical of globalization, including Greenpeace, the Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation, Bread for the World and the environmental organization WWF, have called for participation in the protests. The main issues are calls for an exit from fossil fuels, the preservation of animal and plant diversity, social justice on the planet and the fight once morest hunger. “Climate crisis, species extinction, inequality: the G7 countries are responsible for the fact that the global social and ecological crises are becoming ever more dramatic. Stop it. Justice is different,” says the call for participation.

Large demo in Munich before the G7 summit: Nancy Faeser appeals to demonstrators

It is important to the associations that the large demo in Munich is peaceful. “We expect it to be a peaceful, colorful and beautiful demonstration,” said the organizer of the rally, Uwe Hiksch from the Friends of Nature. Martin Kaiser, Managing Director of Greenpeace Germany, also emphasized that violence was out of place. “For us, that’s the clear limit,” said Kaiser der Passau New Press.

According to the Munich police, however, a black block made up of up to a three-digit number of people might cause unrest. Around 3,000 emergency services are therefore on site to prevent road blockades or disruptive actions as well as “disruptions caused by violence, damage to property and other violations of the law”.

Although Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser was satisfied with the security preparations for the large demo, she also expressed her concerns regarding a black block and possible participants from the left-wing extremist scene. She called on all demonstrators “to protest peacefully, not to injure anyone and not to destroy cars or shops”. Already on Wednesday (June 22nd) we were in Munich due to the forthcoming G7 summit eight police cars were set on fire. (tt/dpa)



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