Can Chia Seed Water Help? – healing practice

Constipation: Does this Tik-Tok drink help?

Last year, chia seed water caused a stir on social media for allegedly helping lose weight. Now the drink is making the rounds once more, but for a different reason: it should be constipation help.

Registered Dietitian Beth Czerwony engages in a recent contribution the renowned Cleveland Clinic (USA) with the question of whether chia seed water is actually Home remedies for constipation can serve as conveyed on TikTok.

Full of healthy ingredients

Chia seed water can be prepared quickly. Just measure a tablespoon or two Chia seeds and stir into a glass of water. Then let the mixture stand for a few minutes. Chia seeds can absorb up to 12 times their weight when wet.

And they are super healthy. “The research is still in its infancy, but its potential advantages for digestion include improving gut tissue health, promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, altering the absorption of some dietary components, and relieving constipation”explains Czerwony.

But that’s not all: chia seeds are full of fiber. Around 30 grams of these tiny little seeds contain more than ten grams of dietary fiber, which is vital for gut health. In addition, they are rich in antioxidantswhich protect your body from free radicals, molecules that can bind to your cells and cause damage.

They are also full of protein. Around 30 grams of chia seeds contain almost five grams of protein, which is crucial for keeping your muscles, skin and bones healthy. And they also contain vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, iron and zinc.

Insoluble dietary fiber

Does that help “Tik-Tok drinkBut does chia seed water really help with constipation? The fiber in chia seeds is mostly insoluble fiber that does not dissolve in liquids. Instead, they absorb liquids and help create bulky, soft stools.

So yes, chia seeds have the right kind of fiber to loosen up your stool and give you something relief to provide in case of constipation. “Chia seeds have not been tested for constipation”Red bemerkt “but because of their fiber content, they are believed to have a laxative effect.”

But it is important to be moderate. Because too much fiber can too complaints such as abdominal pain, bloating, cramps and diarrhea.

Drink enough

It is also important to remember that a high intake of insoluble fiber gastrointestinal tract dehydration and cause constipation if not drunk enough at the same time.

It is always important hydrated to stay, but if you’re specifically consuming extra fiber, including chia seed water, this is especially important.

And if you have an inflammatory bowel disease (including Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis), eating too much fiber can lead to symptoms such as diarrhea and cramps.

Other good sources of fiber

If you’re struggling with constipation, chia seed water can probably help, says Czerwony. You can also simply sprinkle chia seeds over your yoghurt or in a Smoothie give.

And there are other ways to get fiber too. Other high-fiber Food can perform the same task.

“Any form of fruit, vegetable, and whole grain helps with constipation”explains the nutritionist. “Research shows that eating a good variety of these helps Darmmikrobiom to strengthen.” And these bacteria will also help with digestion.

Fruit and vegetables: “Fruit and vegetables have both fiber and fluid, which not only softens stool but also aids in gut motility,” explains Czerwony. Artichoke hearts, avocados, berries, Brussels sprouts, pears and plums are particularly high in fiber.

Whole grain products: Choose whole grains with at least three grams of fiber per serving. Barley, oatmeal, quinoa, whole wheat bread, and whole wheat pasta are good tips.

Fermented Foods: Fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, miso, and kombucha have been shown to have benefits that go well beyond gut health.

However, it’s important to know that consuming too much fiber too quickly can cause unwanted problems like gas, bloating, cramps, and even diarrhea. So start slowly incorporating them into yours nutrition record.

“And remember, if you’re eating fiber, make sure you’re drinking enough water, too”wiederholt Czerwony, “because what you definitely don’t want to do is make your constipation worse.” (ad)

Author and source information

This text corresponds to the specifications of medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.


  • Cleveland Clinic: Does TikTok’s ‘Internal Shower’ Drink Work?, (Abruf: 25.06.2022), Cleveland Clinic

Important NOTE:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He can not substitute a visit at the doctor.



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