2022 Hanzhong Youth Athletics Championships kicks off in Liuba Camp

2022 Hanzhong Youth Athletics Championships kicks off in Liuba Camp

2022-06-26 11:54:52Source: Xi’an News Network

Xi’an News Network News: Tianhan in June was scorching hot; Campan in June was beautiful, and the athletes of the Hanzhong Youth Track and Field Championships were full of vigor, bringing vitality and vitality to Liuba Camp. On June 24, the 2022 Hanzhong Youth Athletics Championships kicked off in Liuba Yingpan Sports and Leisure Town in Hanzhong. A total of more than 550 athletes and coaches from 11 counties and districts participated.

On the followingnoon of June 23rd, the third-level researcher of Hanzhong Sports Bureau, Chief of Competition Section Yong Wenjie, Vice Chairman of Liuba County Political Consultative Conference Chen Jun, technical representatives of Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, and head coaches of various counties and districts attended the pre-match joint meeting.

The competition was sponsored by Hanzhong Sports Bureau and Hanzhong Education Bureau, undertaken by Liuba County Education and Sports Bureau, Liuba County Sports Center, Liuba County Cultural Tourism Investment Group Co., Ltd., and Shaanxi University of Science and Technology Sports College. The purpose is to promote The youth track and field events in various counties and districts in Hanzhong have exchanged and learned, learn from each other’s strengths and complement each other’s shortcomings, and lay a solid foundation for preparing for the youth team track and field competition of the 17th Shaanxi Provincial Games.

Text/Picture All-media reporter Hu Yi, correspondent of Xi’an Newspaper Industry, Wang Qi

<!–enpproperty 65930762022-06-26 11:54:52:891胡毅 T2022年汉中市青少年田径锦标赛在留坝营盘开赛14537三秦新闻三秦新闻https://www.xiancn.com/pic/2022-06/26/52c14271-48ba-4b98-9983-733707328a27.jpghttps://www.xiancn.com/pic/2022-06/26/52c14271-48ba-4b98-9983-733707328a27.jpghttps://www.xiancn.com/content/2022-06/26/content_6593076.htmnull西安新闻网六月的天汉,骄阳似火;六月的营盘,风光旖旎,汉中市青少年田径锦标赛运动员朝气蓬勃,给留坝营盘带来了生机与活力。6月24日,2022年汉中市青少年田径锦标赛在汉中留坝营盘运动休闲小镇开赛,共有11个县区550余名运动员、教练员参赛。




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