Dragon Island in Dakhla, beauty in its raw state

The city of Dakhla has become a popular destination for lovers of water sports, kitesurfing, paddle, kayaking, surfing… There are many activities and tourists, mostly foreigners, come to relax in this city nearly 1600 kilometers from Casablanca. During a press visit organized by the Moroccan National Tourist Office, Yabiladi was able to visit the must-see places in Dakhla, including Dragon Island. Discovery.

During high tide, Dragon Island sits enthroned in the middle of the sea. Dozens of kitesurf sails twirl around, the hot, strong wind whips the faces of tourists who have come in droves to escape the grayness of their countries. The atmosphere is one of relaxation and recharging one’s batteries, music with desert sounds accompanies the movement of the waves and the laughter of children swimming in a mini pool, under the watchful eye of their parents.

People from Dakhla are very welcoming, they are in a hurry to show the beauty of their region. One of the advantages of this city? Its authenticity, far from the tourist side adopted by other cities in Morocco.

Dragon Island seen from above. / Ph. Dakhla Evasion

To get to Dragon Island, you have to drive through miles and miles of desert. The 4x4s take turns under a blazing sun to help visitors discover the beauty of the region. About twenty kilometers from Dakhla, the beach looms in the distance, and to get to the island, if the tide is low it is possible to walk there, but otherwise don’t worry, boats are available for the curious wishing to venture on the island.

Visitors are amazed by the spectacle offered by the panorama towards Herné Island (another name for Dragon Island). The boat drivers distribute broad smiles and adopt a relaxed look. Moreover, dreadlocks, hair that has become blond from staying under the sun, you will often come across the surfer look among the employees of the various tourist structures that have sprung up in recent years.

Environmental risks

Cheikh El Mami Ahmed Bazaid, president of the Salam association in Dakhla, told Yabiladi that this island is in an area Ramsar (a convention relating to wetlands of international importance particularly as habitats for waterfowl) which is the bay of Dakhla, registered since 2005 with Unesco. The association of Cheikh El Mami works daily to promote the island of the dragon and protect it, since the latter faces a risk: “Global warming can impact the island of Herné, like what happened in Chad. . They had a lake, which since 1975 is no longer what it was. Only 80% remained. And the president of the Salam association wants to take the lead in preventing rather than curing.

“We must preserve it from projects in the region. It takes a different approach. We want an agency that takes care of this island and protects it, as is the case for Marchika (lake in the Nador region, editor’s note), so that everything is done according to the rules of the art, that it there are laws and organization.”

“If Dakhla loses its natural heritage, it will lose its economy

“Dragon Island was discovered by the Phoenicians four centuries BC. The king and navigator Hannon had come with nearly ten ships”, recalls Cheikh El Mami Ahmed Bazaid. This is the first time that Dragon Island was mentioned in history texts. The president of the association declares fervently that “if Dakhla loses its natural heritage, it will lose its economy”.

The Sahrawi city bordered by this magnificent lagoon and caressed by winds of freedom might embody in the future a model of tourism in phase with the natural heritage and the water resources of the region. Between ocean and desert, Dakhla must remain this island of tranquility and communion with the four constituent elements of life as described by the Greek philosopher Aristotle, more than 2000 years ago.

The crystal clear water in Dakhla invites you to relax and swim. / Ph. Dakhla Evasion



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