Chunghwa Telecom officially announced the promotion plan of Light Generation. The monthly rent of 500M / 250M before the end of the year is NT$ 1,099

I still remember that many people have attracted a lot of people to apply one after another because of Chunghwa Telecom’s optical generation circuit and HiNet Internet access (non-fixed system), and there are hidden plans for 500M / 250M monthly rent of NT$ 1,099 yuan. Chunghwa Telecom Light Generation Circuit and HiNet Internet (non-fixed system) have also officially launched a series of complete promotion plans, and they can apply for a preferential plan of NT$ 1,099 before the end of the year.

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Chunghwa Telecom officially announced the promotion plan of Light Generation. The monthly rent of 500M / 250M before the end of the year is NT$ 1,099

HiNet (Light Generation) business is a service connected to the Internet by the light generation optical fiber circuitthat is to use the optical generation network provided by Chunghwa Telecom to route the company’s computer room or use optical fiber loops to connect to photochemical transfer boxes, communities, buildings, homes, etc., using various optical network equipment, with Ethernet (Ethernet) or VDSL technology,Provide customers with high-speed fiber optic broadband circuit surfing the Internet (Internet) services

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In the Chunghwa Telecom HiNet broadband Internet tariff table released on April 1, 2022, it can be seen that the light generation is divided into 3M/16M, 6M/35M, 20M/60M, 40M/100M, 100M/300M according to (upload/download) , 250M/500M, 600M/1G, 1G/2G (household type), 1G/2G (advanced type), of which the most popular 100M/300M, Internet access fee 672 plus circuit fee 727 is 1399 yuan.

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However, Chunghwa Telecom later launched a hidden version of the 250M/500M promotional plan. The 1099 yuan plan is a lot less than the original price of 1799 yuan, and it is faster and cheaper than 100M/300M, so it attracted many people to apply .

And Chunghwa Telecom’s latest “Chunghwa Telecom Light Generation Circuit and HiNet Internet Access (Optional) Promotion Plan” will be 100M/300M, 250M/500M, 600M from June 30, 2022 to December 30, 2022 /1G and other 3 plans, provide monthly Internet access fee and circuit fee promotion price, the total promotion price is NT$ 999, NT$ 1,099, NT$ 1,699 respectively.

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According to the plan explained in the announcement, the “Chunghwa Telecom Light Generation Circuit and HiNet Internet Access (Optional) Promotion Plan” is applicable to new bids, ADSL circuit speed up to Light Generation circuit, and Light Generation circuit customer speed up or original. Quick renewal, the planned lease is 2 years, and the promotional price in this case is a fixed amount, which will not change with the adjustment of the listed price.

However, Chunghwa Telecom Optical Generation Circuit and HiNet Internet access requires high hardware equipment with a bandwidth of more than 500M, and not every region can apply for various speeds. Loading Rate Query” page to query.

Although the promotion plan officially announced this time has fewer discounts including Wi-Fi Whole House Pass, but at least those whose residences meet the eligibility requirements can directly apply for the original plan of NT$ 1,099 of 250M/500M, and there is half a year However, remember to confirm the hardware such as the network line at home before you can experience the real high-speed Internet access.

“Light Generation Available Loading Rate Query”

Announcement on “Chunghwa Telecom Light Generation Circuit and HiNet Internet (Optional) Promotion Plan”

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