The whole story of Yun Ho-jung’s gum smile… Kim Gun-hee, you know I’m not Julie

Jang Yoon-sun, author of ‘We Are Candles’
President’s Inauguration Comic Book Tells the Secret Story of Kim Kun-hee and Yun Ho-jung
“I ask if you still think of it as ‘Julie’…it was a blow”

First Lady Kim Kun-hee and former Democratic Party Vice Chairman Yun Ho-jung having a meeting / Photo = Courtesy of the President’s Office

“You must know I’m not Julie.”

In May, at a dinner commemorating the inauguration of President Yun Seok-yeol, it was alleged that Mrs. Kim Kun-hee asked Yun Ho-jung, former chairman of the emergency response committee of the Democratic Party of Korea, like this. Former Chairman Yoon stood at the center of the topic and criticism by bursting with a ‘gum smile’ as if he had been disarmed in front of Mrs. Kim at the time.

Jang Yoon-sun, author of ‘We Are Candles’, appeared on MBC radio’s ‘Pyo Chang-won’s News High Kick’ on the 15th and told the secret story when Mrs. Kim asked former Chairman Yoon, “Do you still think I’m ‘Julie’?”

Earlier, when a photo of Mrs. Kim and former Chairman Yoon looking at each other with a smile became a hot topic, President Yoon said, “When I asked why he was laughing, he said, ‘I am also the best friend of Mr. In response, Chairman Yoon said, “Mrs. Kim said, ‘My father-in-law is Papyeong Yun, and my father-in-law is a ‘heavy’ character and has the same rank as Chairman. Please take care of it.”

Jang insisted that additional conversations took place in addition to what President Yoon said. He said, “Ex-Chairman Yoon told Ms. Kim, ‘My mother’s relative runs a business in the constituency. I know this person better.’ said

Following “The scene in which former Chairman Yoon was embarrassed and smiled shyly saying, ‘I never said that before’ was filmed“In my judgment (former Chairman Yoon), I said that I was very embarrassed when the first lady mentioned Julie at the dinner commemorating the inauguration of the president.”

He continued, “If you are the chairman of the opposition party, you are in the representative level, so of course when you release it in the presidential office, you’d be told, ‘This picture will come out. Please know in advance,’ but there was no such talk.” Because of this photo, comments like, ‘Is it so good to meet Mrs. Kim?’ were flooded,” he added.

Jang said, “It is the official dinner hall of the president, the government that has just been inaugurated, and I, as a politician, was very concerned regarding whether I might disclose the conversation I had with the first lady. It was because I thought that it was one aspect that revealed how bold she was without distinction between public and private by looking at various aspects related to Ms. Kim.“he said.

By Kim Ye-rang, reporter at

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