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Dr. Franchesca Fiorito, neurologist sub-specialized in headaches and Dr. Oscar Soto Raíces, member of the board of editors of the Journal of Medicine and Public Health. Photo: Journal of Medicine and Public Health.
In order to educate and raise awareness regarding the consequences of migrainethe Dra. Franchesca Fiorito, certified neurologist and superspecialist in headache, together with Dr. Oscar Soto Raíces and the Journal of Medicine and Public Health invite you to participate in the campaign. #Shadesformigraine.
The objective, according to the specialist, is that people understand the importance of empathizing with these patients, who see their daily life affected by these symptoms that cause disability.
The campaign seeks to make visible on social networks, through #shadesformigraine, the faces of people who have suffered from the condition at some point and accompany those who experience it daily.
If you want to participate, you just have to share your photo with glasses and tag @dra_franchesca_fiorito, @DrSoto and @revistamsp on instagram or tiktok. Be part of this process and empathize!
Additionally, the program directed and produced by the Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Experts in Health, will have as its main theme the migraine. Connect with Dr. Oscar Soto Raíces through Mega TV Miami, this Friday, June 17 at 11 AM, and on Sunday at 8 PM on Mega TV Puerto Rico and
Migraine: clinical aspects
The migraine it is a very common disease, but for which there is still no cure or significant change to the disability it produces, despite all the efforts and talents of the scientific community around the world. However, it is known that there is a genetic factor, “one is born predisposed, that is, it is part of one, like many other medical conditions, it is hereditary in most cases,” said the neurologist.
However, it has been shown that women are more predisposed to suffer from this condition, “it is believed that 1 in 5 women suffer from migraineTherefore, the specialist calls for patients to identify the triggering factors that exacerbate the condition, such as: diet, stress management, sleep disorders and others.
However, the specialist added that “the maximum a patient should experience is four episodes, if he exceeds that number, he should be sent immediately for preventive treatment to reduce the frequency, duration and severity of the attacks,” he said.
“Acute pain is when the patient has the attack all day, every day; it is important to clarify that a patient with migraine At some point you should feel maximum pain, so from that moment on, implement, together with your doctor, a treatment that allows you to return to normality as quickly as possible,” explained Fiorito.
He also indicated that the disease has 4 levels of pain that affect the body differently, known as prodrome, aura, attack and postdrome.
Next, the journal of Medicine and Public Health (MPS), explains the most important aspects of the migraine and the four stages of the condition: prodrome, aura, attack, and postdrome.
The neurology expert indicated that not all people who have migraines go through all the stages.
One or two days before a migraineyou might notice subtle changes that signal a migraine such as constipation, mood swings from depression to euphoria, food cravings, stiff neck, increased thirst and urination, and frequent yawning.
For some people, the aura can occur before or during migraines. The aura is a reversible symptom of the nervous system. Generally, they are visual, but they can also include other alterations. Each symptom usually starts gradually, builds up over a few minutes, and lasts 20 to 60 minutes.
Among the examples of aura of migraine are the visual phenomena, such as the display of various shapes, bright spots or flashes of light; loss of vision, tingling sensations in an arm or leg, numbness or weakness in the face or on one side of the body, slurred speech, sensation of hearing noise or music, shaking or other uncontrollable movements
A migraine it usually lasts from four to 72 hours if left untreated. How often migraines occur varies from person to person. Migraines can be infrequent or appear several times a month.
During a migraine, you may have these symptoms: pain, usually on one side of the head, but often on both sides; throbbing or throbbing pain, sensitivity to light, sound, and sometimes smell and touch, nausea and vomiting.
After an attack of migraine, you may feel drained, confused, and powerless for up to a day. Some people report feeling euphoric. Sudden movement of the head might cause pain once more.
Specific criteria consist of meeting a minimum of symptoms that are commonly seen in migraine. The first establishes that the person must have 2 of the following 4 manifestations:
* Moderate to severe pain intensity.
*Throbbing or throbbing pain
*Pain on one side of the head
*Pain that is aggravated by physical activity
The second group of criteria consists of meeting at least 1 of the following two symptoms:
*Sensitivity to light and noise
* Nausea and/or vomiting.
It is important to emphasize that there are people who have all of these manifestations versus others who meet the minimum criteria, but both will be diagnosed as migrainesupporting the concept that all migraine is different.