46 million views of a video .. A child with a very rare disease grabs the spotlight

During the past few days, the baby Ayla Summer Mucha, who was born a few months ago with “microstomia”, or what is known as “permanent smile”, became the talk of social networking sites following her mother decided to use her account through “Tik Tok” to warn of the seriousness of this rare condition.

Ayla was born in December of 2021 and suffers from bilateral microstomia, an extremely rare condition that affects the aesthetics and function of the oral cavity, and is considered by doctors to be a prenatal problem of underdevelopment.

Her family received the news from doctors in Australia with great shock, especially following they told them that the girl had this condition while she was in the womb.

The family did not give up

However, the family did not give up. Rather, it announced that it was seeking surgery for the baby, aimed at correcting the wide smile, with the advice of doctors, who confirmed that she might face a problem with constipation or breastfeeding if it remains untreated.

The mother confirmed that she is now using social media to warn people of the seriousness of this rare case, which we rarely hear regarding, as she put it.

She stressed that her decision came following she learned that the ultrasound examinations she performed before performing the caesarean section did not show the abnormally large mouth opening, stressing that following giving birth, her thinking focused on knowing the mistake she made during her pregnancy until her child contracted this disease.

However, doctors reassured the couple that it was not their fault.

Only 14 cases around the world

It is noteworthy that the family was surprised by the condition of their daughter, who is considered the 14th around the world and especially since it is a rare occurrence, according to a 2007 study in the Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal.

The parents added that they had never known regarding this case or heard regarding it before the birth of their baby, stressing that it was a great shock.

Baby Ayla

46 million views of one video

In a related context, the girl became the talk of social networking sites, especially following the spread of her photos, amid comments praising her beauty and tenderness.

The parents publish their photos through their Instagram and Tik Tok accounts without shame, because their goal is to educate others regarding this rare condition that may affect the child’s shape and some of his functions, according to them.

While a video of the mother dressing her daughter received more than 46 million views, amidst unlimited support from the comments.



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