Simplified Lada Granta and Niva will go on sale in July 2022

Russian car factories will produce cars with a simplified configuration from June to February next year. The cars will differ in changed environmental requirements and the rejection of some elements of the security system.

As auto expert Igor Morzharetto said on the air of the MIR 24 TV channel, the car will no longer meet the environmental requirements of Euro-5. A government decree allows the production of cars up to Euro-0 class, but simplified cars will comply with Euro-2 class. Serious changes will affect the security system – the cars will not have an ABS system and airbags.

“This is a forced decision, dictated by problems with some electronic components. First of all, these are elements of the engine management system, – said the expert. – But an alternative supplier of these parts has already been found in China, and the first batches are expected in July. So gradually the auto industry will return to the production of full-fledged cars.

Light versions of famous car models will be produced by three Russian car factories. Thus, AvtoVAZ will present Lada Granta in several body styles, as well as the Niva Legend and Niva Travel models. Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant will simplify Hunter, Patriot and Loaf. The KAMAZ plant will produce simplified models of trucks.

Over the entire period of production, regarding 200,000 simplified Lada Granta cars will appear on the roads, which will be sold at a price of 670,000 rubles.

“There is a huge shortage of new cars on the market right now. They are not available from dealers, and if they are, then at inflated prices. Now people will have the opportunity to buy a car at a reasonable price, albeit in a simplified form. And 60% of the respondents answered that they would like to buy such a car,” the expert concluded.





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