Vladimir Putin: the passion of the conspirators?

The conspiracy has been racing since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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The opacity around the private life of President Vladimir Putin has given rise to many rumors regarding him. These stories, sometimes eccentric, continue to fascinate the public.

Here are three theories that the web has on the strongman of the Kremlin.

1. Putin the Vampire?

Conspiracy theorists believe Vladimir Putin is a supernatural creature. According to them, the strength of the Russian president does not come from his riding sessions, but from his immortality and his ability to travel in time.

Le Dailymail claims that this theory spread when two photos dating from 1920 and 1941 were circulated on social media.

We can see Russian soldiers who strangely resemble the strongman of the Kremlin. According to Disclose.tv, some Internet users have used these images to show that the 70-year-old president is in fact a supernatural being who has inhabited the Earth for millennia.

Followers of this theory believe that Vlad the Impaler, Prince of Wallachia born in 1431, better known as Dracula, is actually the Russian leader.

Vladimir Poutine would also have lived under the features of Lisa Gherardini, the model of Mona Lisa, according to conspiracists quoted by Buzzfeed.

2. Very sick

The magazine Newsweek claims that Vladimir Putin’s state of health is at the center of many discussions within the American administration.

Some confidential documents reportedly indicate that the Russian president was treated for advanced stage cancer in April. The Kremlin strongman was also reportedly the victim of an assassination attempt in March. These events would make him paranoid and unpredictable.

However, it would be difficult to confirm this information, since Vladimir Putin is very isolated.

Internet users believe that Vladimir Putin is so ill that he would use understudy to replace him at public events. According to RTL, this theory would even be analyzed by the British secret services.

Indeed, a source quoted by the British newspaper The Daily Star said a lookalike would have replaced the president at the Victory Day parade on May 9 in Moscow.

This same source claimed that, if Vladimir Putin were to die, the Kremlin would try to keep it a secret for weeks, if not months.

3. One of the richest men in the world

Vladimir Putin’s personal fortune is the target of much speculation. The magazine Forbes looked into the matter and came up with three theories regarding the source of this wealth.

According to a first theory, Vladimir Putin would have become rich thanks to blackmail.

Le Forbes claims that the Russian president would have the habit of making “agreements” with the main oligarchs of the country. The latter would have to make a choice: give 50% of their fortune to Putin or lose everything by ending up in prison.

Vladimir Putin might have amassed $200 billion this way.

Another theory places the President of the Russian Federation at the head of a mafia-like network. The Russian leader might have, in this way, helped his relatives to get rich by giving them shares in companies. In exchange, he would have received shares or bribes.

Each person close to Vladimir Putin would have between 500 million and 2 billion dollars. According to this hypothesis, the fortune of the strongman of the Kremlin would be valued at 130 billion dollars.

According to the latest theory developed by the Forbes, Vladimir Poutine would not be as rich as one believes it. It would all be window dressing. According to Kremlin statements, Vladimir Putin earned $140,000 in 2020.

Gold Vladimir Poutine would have three cars, a trailer, an apartment of 74 m2 and a garage. He would also have an impressive collection of luxury watches, in addition to a luxurious residence located on the shores of the Black Sea. He also reportedly has several private jets, which he uses as president.



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