Seven out of ten Belgians want to go on a trip this summer: here is their budget

Some 71% of Belgians intend to go on a trip this summer (+18 points compared to 2021), according to the Europ Assistance barometer, the results of which were published on Tuesday. This is the highest rate in recent years, according to the company. France remains the most favored close foreign destination for Belgians (30%, -8 pts). As in 2021, it is followed by Belgium (27%, -5 pts). Spain retains third place in the ranking (22%, +3 pts). Italy (11%, +1 pt) and the Netherlands (9%, -1 pt) complete the top 5. In total, 79% of future holidaymakers surveyed will stay in Europe.

It should also be noted that 13% (+1 pt) of Belgians declare that the ecological footprint plays a crucial role in the choice of their destination and that 52% (+2 pts) give it an important role.

Short holidays (maximum 1 week) are down slightly and remain popular with 39% of Belgians (-1 pt compared to 2019), two-week holidays are down 3 points (34%), holidays of three weeks or more saw an increase of 4 points (27%).

The average Belgian holiday budget for this summer (the average of all types of household composition) increases by 15% and amounts to 2,289 euros (compared to 1,983 euros in 2021). It amounts to 2,277 euros for Dutch-speakers and 2,301 euros for French-speakers.

Hotel stays are regaining their popularity before the health crisis (47%, +12 pts) to the detriment of apartments or vacation rentals (29%, -10 pts), 18% of vacationers choose to stay with friends, family or at their second home.

Holidays by the sea remain the most popular (55%, =), but this year it is above all city trips that are popular (26%, +6 pts).

The personal car remains the most popular means of transport, but is losing its appeal (48%, -14 pts). The plane is gaining in popularity, even if it has not (yet) returned to its pre-crisis level (37%, +7 pts).



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