Bangalore: A former colleague has been arrested for allegedly spreading pornographic images of a young woman. N., a native of Srinagar, Bengaluru. Hanumanthanagar police arrested Vinodi, 28, on a complaint lodged by a woman. The girl had alleged that Vinod, who had worked with her earlier, had sent her pornographic pictures to her fianc.
The accused and the woman had been working in the same company for three years. While the two were friends, Vinod proposed marriage to a young woman. The young woman refused. With this, Vinod constantly harassed the girl. In 2021, the woman lodged a complaint with the police once morest him. In the complaint, the police summoned the youth, warned him and released him.
The complainant’s marriage was recently confirmed with another man. When Vinod came to know regarding the woman’s engagement, he collected the details of the fianc വര and sent pornographic pictures of the girl to the fianc. The complainant, who came to know regarding this, met Vinod on June 8 and questioned him. Defendant still wanted to marry the young woman. He also threatened to kill the girl and her parents if they did not agree. With this, the woman approached the police.