What is the best herb to eliminate stomach gas?

Gas is air in the intestines that passes through the rectum or through the mouth, if trapped in the stomach. The causes vary depending on each person, for example, You can have gas if you let in a lot of air when chewing some food.

According to Medline Pluswebsite of the National Library of Medicine of the United States, other common causes of the appearance of gases are the consumption of antibiotics, irritable bowel syndrome, smoking, consuming carbonated beverages, among others.

Symptoms of gas buildup in the body include a feeling of fullness and abdominal pain. When these are persistent and there is also gastric acidity, nausea, diarrhea, constipation or weight loss, you should consult a doctor.

When medical treatment is not required, it is possible to go, under the supervision of a specialist, to some plants that accelerate the relief of stomach gases. The specialized portal better with healthsays that some of these are:


A gentle way to eliminate gas is by taking an infusion of chamomile. This plant is one of the best options to relieve stomach pain and other difficulties such as inflammation, flatulence and ulcers.

“The fact of taking chamomile when there is stomach pain, gas and inflammation, is a cultural tradition, but there are scientific studies that support its benefits,” explained psychonutritionist Itziar Digón, in words quoted by Vogue.

To prepare a tea with these properties, it is required: a teaspoon of dried chamomile, a teaspoon of anise seeds, a teaspoon of yarrow, a teaspoon of chopped marshmallow root, a teaspoon of filipendula and 500 ml of water.


1. Place the water to boil and, when it is at that point, remove it from the stove and add the other ingredients.

2. Let the drink stand for five minutes.

3. Strain and consume.

4. The portal your health recommends drinking this tea two to three times a day.


This is an herb native to Europe that is characterized by being very aromatic and by its frequent use in gastronomy, but thanks to its healing properties, it has been used as a medicinal product for a long time.

Starting from the fact that fennel contains vitamins of group B (B3, B6 and B9 or folic acid), vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and magnesium, Among its most recognized properties are digestive, antioxidant, expectorant, cholesterol and antitussive.

These characteristics have allowed it to become a highly recommended medicinal plant in different health scenarios, including its help to expel gases from the body, as well as to prevent their appearance.

The best way to use this plant is to make an infusion that has: 15 grams of dried fennel seeds, three grams of cardamom and a glass of water.


1. Add a glass of water in a pot and put it over medium heat until it starts to boil.

2. When the water reaches its boiling point, add the dried fennel and cardamom.

3. Wait a few minutes and turn off the flame, cover the infusion and let it rest for 10 minutes.

4. After the indicated time, strain.

5. Take the infusion twice a day, preferably following the main meals. If the flavor is strong, sweeten with a tablespoon of honey.

Lower leg

It is an aromatic spice that stands out for its medicinal propertiescharacterized by being anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antifungal and anticancer, according to the specialized health portal your health.

This spice contains antispasmodic virtues capable of relieving pain in the stomach and intestines. In addition, it is an excellent ally for digestive health, it works as a natural antacid and helps dissipate gas from the stomach.

To make an infusion with this spice, you only need: a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, 250 ml of water and honey.


1. Boil the water and pour the honey.

2. Add the cinnamon, mix well and let stand for 5 minutes.

3. Serve the infusion with a slice of lemon.



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