Tired even after a good night’s sleep: what to do?

Excessive stress or a hectic lifestyle can lead to deep fatigue that disrupts daily lifeespecially if it lasts a long time.

If this chronic lack of energy persists and puts a damper on your daily activities, the problem may not just be the quality of your sleep. Not to mention the pathologies that require the advice of a specialist, bad daily habits can also drain energy and lead to extreme fatigue.

To get in shape in the morning and be energetic until the evening, here are some tips to put into practice.

Play sports

We tend to believe that when we are hit hard by fatigue, doing physical activity drains what little energy we have left. However, numerous studies have shown that, on the contrary, exercise was recommended when feeling tired. “Sport has a regulating action on physiology. In addition, it provides a feeling of well-being by releasing endorphins, this allows you to take a break in your day and sleep well at night”, explains to 20Minutes Dr. Olivier Pallanca, psychiatrist and neurophysiologist specializing in sleep pathologies and attention disorders.

Thus, a study conducted by researchers at the University of Georgia (USA) showed that sedentary and healthy people who began moderate physical activity for at least 20 minutes 3 times a week felt significantly more energetic and fit following 6 weeks.

Of course, exercising when you’re tired doesn’t necessarily mean running a marathon. A gentle and moderate activity such as swimming, yoga or walking, 45 minutes once or twice a week, is enough to regain your energy.

Adopt a sleep ritual

As for kids, maintaining a ritual that promotes sleep and a peaceful night is sometimes a good thing. First, if your eyes are closing on their own, don’t struggle. In order not to miss the “sleep train”, it is better to listen to your body and go to bed as soon as you need it. Ideally, try to set a bedtime and stick to it. It has been proven that going to bed at a fixed time promotes falling asleep and better recovery.

Before going to bed at night, favor gentle activities (therefore do not play sports, because exercise acts as a stimulant), relax and turn off the screens as much as possible (computer, smartphone, television): the blue light that they emit can disrupt sleep cycles.

Eat healthy

Have you ever wondered if swallowing a sandwich in 10 minutes in front of your computer, during lunch time, might be the cause of your fatigue? Because it is very possible. “A diet that is too rich, especially at noon can cause chronic fatigue. This generates pump strokes at the beginning of the followingnoon by providing much too high carbohydrate intake. This causes spikes in blood sugar, which the body fights once morest by secreting spikes in insulin. This has a rebound effect: blood sugar drops, which leads to fatigue and cravings for sugar, and so on,” says nutritionist Raphaël Gruman in 20Minutes.

To eat healthily and therefore feel more rested, choose hot and balanced dishes (vegetables, vegetable or animal proteins, legumes) that are easier to digest than sandwiches. If you are a little hungry, replace your usual sweet treat with a fruit or a handful of oleaginous fruits (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts) rich in nutrients and minerals, with a hot drink. Don’t drink too much alcohol and remember to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Fill up on vitamin D

A vitamin D deficiency can also explain your fatigue. This vitamin is essential for the proper functioning of our body: it promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the intestines, helps to fix calcium on the bones, and to regulate hormonal fluctuations causing fatigue and stress.

For a good level of vitamin D all year round, ideally, expose yourself to outdoor light every day. 10 to 15 minutes is enough, the equivalent of a morning walk or a lunch break.

Take care of your mental health

It may be that the intense fatigue you feel as soon as you wake up is a symptom of a greater malaise. If your loss of energy is accompanied by symptoms listed below, you may be suffering from depression. Do not hesitate to consult your doctor who will advise you on a treatment:

– Sleep problems

– Sadness

– Loss of pleasure even in normally pleasurable activities

– dark or suicidal thoughts

– Poor self-image, guilt

– Difficulty concentrating

– Loss of appetite with weight loss, or weight gain with increased appetite.

– Physical disorders (stomach aches, loss of libido, etc.)

– Psychomotor retardation.


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