What Are The Causes And Risk Factors Of Depression?

We are human with feelings. A simple event that happens to us can result in changing how we feel. While some people feel sad, moody, or low from time to time, the effects are short-lived. 

However, some people experience these feelings intensively and for a long period of time. And the worst part of that, sometimes this happens without any apparent reason.

Out of all the emotional distress, one feeling stands out the most and affects any individual severely, Depression.

Depression is one of the most common mental health problems in the United States. It can affect anyone from any age group. While depression is always related to some kind of emotional distress, there have been times when people have been diagnosed without any known cause.

Potential depression causes can include brain chemistry, life events, lifestyles, medical conditions, and genetics.

Seeing how people are still not aware of the reasons behind depression and what causes them, we have come here with this guide. This article discusses what depression is all regarding and the common causes behind it.

Types Of Depression

Depression is not something that is common only in America. It’s a mental disorder that is common all around the world. While depression is a mental disorder, it can be divided into different forms according to its symptoms and causes.

Depression episodes often have no causes. However, in some people, it can still linger for a longer period of time.

Types of depression include.

  • Bipolar Depression: People suffering from Bipolar depression have an alternative mood of low and high energy in a short time interval. During a low mood, you might feel depressed, and your life is nothing more than a waste.
  • Perinatal And Postpartum Depression: Perinatal is related to Pregnancy. It occurs when a woman is pregnant and can last up to one year following the baby is born. The symptoms are mostly related to baby blues, minor sadness, worries, and tension related to the baby’s future.
  • Major Depressive Disorder: Major depressive disorder has an intense effect on individuals. It lasts more than weeks and affects their day-to-day life.
  • Persistent depressive Disorder: It is commonly known to people as Dysthymia. The symptoms are less severe than major depression, but they can last for more than two years.
  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is a severe form of Premenstrual disorder. It only happens to women at the end of their menstrual cycle.
  • Psychotic Depression: People suffering from Psychotic depression have severe problems with hallucinations. You will find them spending more time in a dilution reality. While they hallucinate, they see, hear and feel things that are actually not present.
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder: Experts have no idea as to why it happens. But there have been cases where people feel depressed for no apparent reason during the late fall and early winter. This depression is short-lived and eventually vanishes.

Causes Of Depression

Depression is related to almost everything we do. It is all regarding how we think, feel and act. When these things go beyond the extreme, that’s when it becomes a disorder. 

Here are the causes that facilitate depression.

1. Abuse

Depression is related to emotions. If that emotion is stirred too vigorously, it can promote depression. This is why people with physical, sexual, and emotional abuse experience depression later in their lives. 

Experts believe that abuse is one of the major reasons behind so many depression patients out there in the world.

2. Death Or Loss

Sadness and grief can infest a person’s mind following losing their loved ones. As a result, they get deep into sadness and get depressed. Although this depression is short-lived, some deaths can leave long-term effects.

This is where you need to be careful. When people suffer from depression following the death of their loved ones, their behavior and personality change.

3. Certain Medications

There are many prescribed medicines that have an adverse effect on a person’s mood. The medicine we are talking regarding is Isotretinoin – used for acne or the Corticosteroids that significantly affect the brain.

People who are taking this kind of medicine suffer from depression. The severity of the symptoms can be to the point where it affects the day-to-day activity.

4. Genes

If you have a family history of ancestors having depression problems, you might be at high risk of suffering from depression. Experts believe that depression is a complex trait. This means no one single gene is responsible. Instead, there are different genes that exert small effects.

The genetics of depression is not as straightforward as in the case of genetic disease. It combines different genes, making this disorder more complex and hard to figure out.

5. Gender

Gender plays an important role in determining who experiences more depression periods. Experts state that Women are twice as likely as men to become depressed. No one really knows why.

Some scientists believe that it might be due to hormone fluctuation during the menstrual cycle. This is one of the most plausible causes we have as of now.

6. Major Events

Events and depression are closely related. Even good events like getting a job, getting married, or graduating from the university can lead to depression. And so came moving out, leaving a job, or getting divorced. 

As you can see, all the events we have talked regarding stir different emotions inside you. Some emotions have less ripple than the others, while some are overflowing. When these emotions start overflowing, individuals start overthinking.

This overthinking is what pushed them towards depression.

7. Substance Misuse

Nearly 30% of the individuals suffering from depression have substance abuse problems. Even though substance abuse will make you feel confronted, once its effect is gone, you will experience depression.

If you have anyone suffering from substance abuse or depression, recommend them to Check out Ascendant

Seek Support

Depression can be temporary, or it can be a long-term change in your life. While there are treatments to cure your depression, you must know that it cannot be treated 100% effectively. 

However, treatment certainly helps you manage the symptoms. Managing the symptoms of depression comes with the right therapies and medications.

If one treatment doesn’t work, talk with your doctor to see what other treatments are available. Knowing your current condition and what might help you, your doctor can develop customized treatment plans.



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