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Coordination of families and friends of victims of Gdeim IzikThe Coordination of families and friends of victims of the Gdeim Izik camp reaffirmed its desire to continue to fight once morest all attempts to involve the victims of the camp in a political process with the aim of to whitewash the criminals. She expressed her astonishment at the decision to bring several complaints once morest Morocco relating

Coordination of families and friends of victims of Gdeim Izik

The Coordination of families and friends of the victims of the Gdeim Izik camp has reaffirmed its desire to continue to fight once morest all attempts to involve the victims of the camp in a process of a political nature with the aim of whitewashing the criminals.

She expressed her astonishment at the decision to lodge several complaints once morest Morocco relating to false allegations by people involved in the mutilation and assassination of the real victims of the camp among the elements of the auxiliary forces, the Civil Protection and the Gendarmerie. royal who peacefully dismantled the camp.

The coordination stresses, in a press release made public on Saturday, that all attempts to politicize and exploit this file are only a reproduction of injustice, noting that the families of the victims are wondering regarding the motivations of those who have lodged these complaints, the degree of their independence and their compliance with international human rights standards which require honesty, neutrality, objectivity and impartiality.

This question arises with insistence, in particular with the proliferation of movements within the Human Rights Council which undermine the universal principles and values ​​of human rights, and more particularly the dangerous attempt to distort the facts by making criminals of the victims and qualifying those who committed the most heinous crimes, which are committed only by Daesh and Al Qaeda, as actors of human rights.

These assassins claimed to be victims of torture, underlines the coordination, noting that these allegations have already been raised during the trial and that it was decided, on the basis of an order of the instance having deliberated in this case, to carry out, in a preliminary way, a medical expertise entrusted to a medical team, in accordance with the standards of the Istanbul protocol.

The people prosecuted refused to submit to this expertise, which demonstrated the fallacy of their claims and the same is true for the parties who filed these complaints without mentioning the nature of the crime they committed, adds the communicated.

The coordination recalls the course of the trial of the criminals who committed these acts, both during the first stage and the second following the revision of the code of military justice, adding that this trial was fair in the opinion of the various observers national and international and who have witnessed the suffering of the families of the victims of inhuman crimes.

It notes that this complaint is a flagrant breach of international law, indicating that the families of the victims of the Gdeim Izik camp, who are following the progress of this file at the level of the United Nations, legitimately wonder regarding this complaint, being given that the parties who took this initiative have never interacted with the letters previously sent by these families and have not even bothered to hear their claims and their psychic suffering that they have endured since the assassination of their son.



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